Office Fever: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

Dive into the world of Office Fever with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!
See what people think about this app, created by Didem Tizman and released in January 2022. With an impressive 4.6-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Office Fever offers an exciting experience in the strategy game category.
To make an informed decision, read Office Fever app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v7.10) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Office Fever alternatives. Start reading now!
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Positive reviews
Discover what users love about Office Fever in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews
Good Game But some problemsI like this game, it’s a time killer but there should be an easier way to obtain gems then just buying them. Not everyone has
money they want to spend on this game just for gems and the amount of gems you get when you spend your money is not a good amount.
AMAZINGThe first time I played it was goood but after awhile it was going quite fast. So I think you willl like this game once and for
all. I hope u have fun..
Office gamesThis game it let’s you do what ever you want🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Khloie is mehThis game is super fun and I really like it it’s just you have to spend money on lots of things in the office
The good gameI really like this game already but it needs no ads like royal match
new stuffPlease add in new stuff I have everything unlocked and am #1on leaderboards love the game needs new stuff !!!!
Don’t wast your money!!This is a fun game but I bought the no adds and there is still ads and restore purchases does not work so plz fix this and remove
my adds
Good gameIt is a great game and not a lot of ads
Kitty loversGreat job on the game I LOVE it I feel like you are famous
I Love it 🥰It’s really good it’s really fun if you have a kid you’re kid Will like it no love it📃📑📂
Your game is wonderfulI love your game so much it’s the best game I’ve ever played I play it all day and every day I love playing this game so much
More levelsI really like this game it’s great to pass time but I have already beaten it and it won’t let me restart please please add
more levels or let me start from beginning
To many adsIf you want people to play your game I recommend less ads i have to watch ads for everything i do in this game
Makes phone hotSo I like this game but it always makes my phone hot-why is that? I thought maybe it was my old XsMAX but now I have 14ProMAX and
it’s still gets hot!
Dude…Sry about that. This game is good. That was also my sister so don’t report me or smthn. I like it but TOO MANY ADS
Great gameI love the game until I realized there was only three levels. It was just more expensive as you go on. If you add more levels,
please let me know and I’ll come back.
Love itLove this game so much. It’s similar to fashionista! But in an office setting and THE GAME DOENST KEEP CRASHING. I love it and
will be buying the ad free version.
Solitaire cash cancelI asked to stop solitaire cash as a child was playing and ordered this please cancel this today I left this message several times
and hope you will let me know you received this thank you
Addyson the dancerIt’s a great game I love it 👍👍😀
Loved it, but too short!So fun! But please add more levels I’m bored of the same three
Cool Game to PlayI loved this game so much to where I bought no ads. Yet there haven’t been any new levels released for like 3 months now since I
have unlocked everything essentially. Developers, y’all need to expand this further for the real fans out here.
What’s nextGot to number 1 in unicorn, what’s next
Only 3 LevelsI paid for the no ad version and love this game. Very disappointed that there are only THREE levels though.
Great gameThis is amazing I really recommend this ✔️😍😁
Great game but inappropriate ads for the set ageThis is listed as for 12+, so please get rid of the Episodes game ad. Highly inappropriate.
Great time passerbyGreat game. Needs more than 3 levels.
I recommend this appIt is a great app and it works great!
Way too short, only 3 levels.Super fun but there’s only 3 levels. Spending money on this is not necessary at all (I didn’t) and the game can be beaten in
an hour or two. Please add more levels. ✌🏻
Love the game!!!I really enjoy this game. Ads are excessive but my main concern is why there aren’t more levels!! I really don’t want to
delete the game but… just please add more levels.
Love thisI just started and I love it great job ❤️❤️
⭐️I like this game but I’ve beat it and now there’s nothing else todo
Only 3 different rooms?I got to the packages room and haven’t gotten anything more to level up… and I maxed out the most I could max out… I have
only played it for 3 days I wish there where more levels but it’s a good game. Just don’t move to fast!
More barista staff and max coffee increase.The game is good. I was thinking of an increase in barista staff and an increase in the max number of coffee you can hold and the
machines can make. And also more tasks by the bosses for each room.👍🏻
love it! but wish there is more stuff to do,3 days and i pretty much beat it from my understanding
I have a question?What is the meeting room for, or is it just a decoration?
BestBuy this game it is the best game ever
Game is fun if you purchase no adsThe game is fun if you pay the $8.99 for 50 tickets and no ads but i beat the game already, no more levels to open maybe an
airport of shipping containers with ships would be fun
How can I stopMan oml this game addicting 😭😭
The best gameI love this game so much it is the best game I’ve ever seen
I love itDefinitely interesting, makes time go by faster.
This game is AwesomeThis game is really fun, I love playing it, I played it for 3 hours straight. I made it to the third room so far, I dont know if
there is anything after that. If not, I would love more of that that. Overall, good game.
ADSThis game is really good but the ads I have to watch one every like two minutes until finally I just had to turn off my WiFi
More level please! Love itLove the game so much fun but we need more level ASAP please
This game is worth the moneyThe new layout looks so good and they update it too to fix bugs. Great way to pass time. Good job Devs.
Mindless gameI liked that about this game. U can just mindlessly play it. There is not strategy,just pkay coz u have nithing better to do.
Best game everIt is so fun I spend the whole day on it
Love the game; don’t love the freezingI paid for the ad free version which was a great investment. The issue is that it keeps freezing, usually at the point where I’m
getting the contracts to give to the workers. If there’s something I need to adjust please let me know.
Amazing 🤩Office Fever is an amazing game I have no complaints it is literally the best game in the world I started playing it at seven in
the morning and now it’s 1:01 PM and I’m having so much fun and I can’t stop I think I’m addicted
Critic reviews
See what experts and critics are saying about Office Fever. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews
Equipment will not unlockI like the game, but why am I watching ads to unlock equipment and such, but after the ad the equipment does not unlock??
Annoying! 🙄🙄
UnacceptableI am very upset I got into the app to play it and all of my money, company value, and employees were gone. It just restarted. I
am not happy.
Great but laggyI used to play this but then I deleted it for a different game and I just redownloaded it and it’s so laggy
Please give us more levelsI like the game but I wish there were more than 3 levels
CrashesI would like to add that the game crashes quite a bit😠😠😠😠
the glitches !!it makes my phone lag & makes my phone hot & i can’t even play in peace .. it will literally shut me out the whole game !
CrashYoo your game is crashing so much and laggy I love the game and am in the rank 2 spot on the Server I’m playing on soo for the
love of god fix the crashing
Free items and upgrades have no way to be redeemedThe game is captivating and I got a bit obsessed pretty quickly, but I can’t activate any of the free workers, machines, or
upgrades so it makes the game a bit tedious and there’s no explanation why. I’m waiting for an update so I can enjoy the game
Fun gameBut this game has the most ads I’ve ever seen. No warning, they just happen.
Love this game HOWEVERThere are way too many ads, I get you need them to make your $, but I purchased ad free version yet there’s still a million
ads… then wants to charge you for “tickets” to skip ads..
Game funThe game is fun. Lots to do and keeps me busy when I’m bored. However, I did purchase the no ads and I’m still getting ads.
Drains batteryNeed to optimize its load because it drains battery pretty face. Also no offense but can you put the same amount of effort in the
gameplay as much as you do with changing the app icon?! Idk how mant times i noticed the icon has changed lol
Adsthere are way to many ads there is no reason for there to be this many ads
Podría mejorarSe traba mucho y se cierra sola después de un rato
Mindless fun, but crashes a lot!Although this game is fun and totally hooked me, I found that it crashes a lot and when it does I loose my money if not deposited.
It can be frustrating. I’m hoping they’ll fix this issue soon.
More levelsOnly 3 levels please add more levels I enjoyed playing the game, but there are no more levels after the third office.
Needs fixingGood game but Needs to be fixed. Bought the package machine and after I closed the app and opened it again, I didn’t have the
machine and also lost all the money. Lots of time lost. As you can guess it, makes you not want to play.
Fix the glitchesI like this game to kill time in between work shifts or waiting at appointments. It freezes every 2 seconds that’s why I have it
a 3 star rating fix the freezes please otherwise it’s cool to kill time
Good game but WAY to many adsI think this is a good game and all but I find it quite annoying to deal with the ads. And this isn’t just a normal amount of
ads there’s an ad every five seconds. Please fix the ad situation so game time can be a bit longer
Fun but fastFun but the game was over after a day…. Kinda boring after that
Needs a lot more levelsNeeds levels bought add free version and beat game in 2 hrs
Only 3 levels and paid for no adsThere are still ads… so I am requesting a charge back. 3 levels and nothing to do after this.
Please fix bugs and add new levelsOk, the game was fun until everything is maxed out. Add more levels. Frequent crashes. I wish a had researched it a little more
before purchasing.
EehLove the game but needs more levels I have so much money what do I waste it on now if I've bought and upgrade everything I'm
gaining money for what??? This game has potential if you add more to it.
LaggingI have been playing and enjoying this game but it has been lagging like crazy which makes me want to just remove the game. No
other apps are lagging, just this one.
FreezesGame freezes and force closes on its own.
More levels?I’ve done everything I can in this game so far and I love the game but I wish there would be more levels with all these updates.
Need moreI love this game, would've gave it five stars but I'm waiting to see if an update is coming. I have already built my three
companies and I hope an update will have more companies to do.....
BugsPlz fix the bugs it keeps on ending the gam out of no where and my money is gone on the game
cut it out.this game is soooo laggy like it’s insane. fix ts fr. i’m tryna play n every 3 seconds it’s lagging like there’s no reason
for that. and there’s no reason for a add every other minute like bro 😭😭.
NOTIFICATIONSThis game give millions of notifications each DAY stop giving 5 million notifications each day geezus
Performance Issues/Phone OverheatI like the game but after a short while, it causes my phone to run quite warm and the game freezes up. I’m on a 12 that’s
about a year old and up to date on my iOS. Very bizarre!
Addicting but needs buggs fixedI really like This game but it’s making phone really slow and it keeps freezing. It honestly doesn’t make me want to play it
The Ads 🤦🏾 (cont'd)Yeah the ads are DESTROYING the experience for this otherwise fun idle game. PLEASE find a way to keep the ads from causing the
game to lag and freeze. Keep having to close and restart!
LevelsThere are only 3 levels that no end. I thought there are a lot of more. Please they should have more features and updates.
ehgood game but it makes my phone really hot and laggy (i have an iphone 12 pro) and it drains my battery extremely fast.
It’s ok butThe game is addicting but it crashes a lot and I have to start all the way over
Good game but to many crashes and freezesWhile playing it’s enjoyable however when you start gaining more money it starts to freeze and crash. Hopefully the developers
fix this soon
AddictiveGame is addictive but after 3 hours of play time I beat the game basically. So then it got boring. If it had more then 3 locations
to unlock it may be better.
3 levels? Achieved. What’s next?Three levels? I loved the game, but not much to do aside from collect money that you can’t spend because there’s only three
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