Word guess: A daily word game: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

Dive into the world of Word guess: A daily word game with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!
See what people think about this app, created by TGMEDIA VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED and released in January 2022. With an impressive 4.8-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Word guess: A daily word game offers an exciting experience in the puzzle game category.
To make an informed decision, read Word guess: A daily word game app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v1.10) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Word guess: A daily word game alternatives. Start reading now!
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Based on the latest 10 user reviews.
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Positive reviews
Discover what users love about Word guess: A daily word game in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews
I love itA great mental test and I am good with word games. This the one I use as it lets you put letters in out of order to stat it
partially spelled.
Good Except…I have been playing this for a while and enjoying it, but lately there have been words that I would not call words at all.
Today’s mystery word ended up being “srsly.”
GlitchI have played this game for weeks, but right now I have a streak of 420 and I got an unsolvable word. The word starts with I N T
L. I have tried every combination but the word is unsolvable and now I can’t play the game
AddictiveLove playing but I have found a bug with the letter “o”. The game has made mistakes multiple times throwing me off. I hope
it can be fixed.
Very fun!!This game is very fun you can play this all day if you are bored and you can get steaks and everything, I give this a 5 star.
Great gameWOW!! Love this game. My brain does hurt, since I’m EIGHTY.
Great Game with One Small FlawI love playing this, but after I’ve solved the puzzle there is no way to X out of the stats screen that pops up. I’d like to
be able to see the board again afterwards in order to look over how many guesses it took me to solve it!
Critic reviews
See what experts and critics are saying about Word guess: A daily word game. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews
Some of the words aren’t in EnglishI like the mechanics, but I got tired of the non-English words and the word segments taken out of context from quotes. With the
many archaic words it stopped being fun.
Game includes archaic wordsI’ve had archaic words come up like “whoso” and “verry.” These are arguably not words since they’re not used in the
English language anymore. If the developer would remove these archaic words, this is a 5 star game.
:(The update in my opinion ruined it. It went from a simple word guess game to a super colorful cheap effect word guess game.
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