Wordus: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

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Dive into the world of Wordus with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!

See what people think about this app, created by Simon Reggiani and released in January 2022. With an impressive 4.6-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Wordus offers an exciting experience in the puzzle game category.

To make an informed decision, read Wordus app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v2.40) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Wordus alternatives. Start reading now!

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Based on the latest 89 user reviews.

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Reviews: 89 Avg. Rating: 4.4/10 US

Positive reviews

Discover what users love about Wordus in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews

4 out of 5
Like it but…

This game has points in a trophy box and gems in another box. There’s no explanation for how to use them and when I earn gems
they float past the box because it says it’s full. I guess the only way to have the gems go in is to pay money.

Vj piano
April 15, 2024
5 out of 5
Wordus review

Amazing brain builder keeps me busy when I’m bored at home on the plane or traveling good for all young adults and adults 10
minutes a day helps sharpen brain memory amazing app!!!!!!!! No cost free game super great for anything. At any time. GET THIS

April 9, 2024
5 out of 5

I love this so much fun when I’m bored I just play this so yeah hopefully I don’t hate this any longer ❤️❤️❤️

March 29, 2024
5 out of 5
thank you wordus

me and my girlfriend play this game every night and it gets me

Toxic Pineapple Productions
October 30, 2023
5 out of 5
I enjoy playing.

I like that I can play more than once per day.

August 4, 2023
5 out of 5

It helps me learn new words every day that I play it!!!!!

Pink Aves
July 13, 2023
4 out of 5
Almost great

I really enjoyed playing this for a few days when I just needed a little more Wordle fix, but eventually I just got too annoyed by
some of the weird words.
I finally gave up and deleted the app after getting the word “inion.”

July 26, 2023
5 out of 5
Fun but not too hard

This game is a lot of fun but usually not too hard. The harder levels can be chai!

July 26, 2023
5 out of 5

If you enjoy the challenge of WORDLE this game is for you !

Pool guy 123
June 25, 2023
5 out of 5
Great Wordle Knockoff

This game is a great knockoff of Wordle!

May 8, 2023
5 out of 5
Wordle Dessert

Sometimes one is just not enough!

May 14, 2023
5 out of 5
Great game.

Love this game. Makes you use your brain. Also broadens your vocabulary. And you can play as many times per day. Addicting.

May 22, 2023
4 out of 5
Good game (gg)

I know it’s a ripoff of wordle but it’s still fun and stuff (by that I mean very good)

May 26, 2023
4 out of 5
This is so fun

I love this game so much I gave a four star because it is hard to figure out so you should play it if you want to have some fun I
love this game so much go play right now

May 27, 2023
4 out of 5
Okay but…

I recently downloaded this game, and it has too many ads the adds are inappropriate

June 4, 2023
5 out of 5
꒐꓄ ꒐ꇙ ꍌꄲꄲ꒯

꒐ ꒒꒐ꀘꏂ ꒐꓄ ꒐꓄ꇙ ꒒꒐꓄ ꋬꋊ꒯ ꇙꂵꋬꋪ꓄

Max Lionel Huls
April 25, 2023
5 out of 5
Fun game

A great way to learn Wordle. Clues available when you feel stuck.

M l W h
April 1, 2023
5 out of 5
Fun Word Game

I love this word game. It’s similar wordle but better and can be addictive.

April 8, 2023
5 out of 5

I’m not sure if I just have a better understanding of vocabulary or if this game actually helps with increasing IQ but it’s
really fun

best sonic player ever
April 8, 2023
5 out of 5

I luv this app so much it is so good

harper slayys
April 9, 2023
4 out of 5
A bit flaky?

The higher levels are words that are obsolete, not English, or not American spelling. You may be obliged to use hints or take more
guesses, all of which have costs, either financial or in scoring. I don’t like this aspect of the game.

March 13, 2023
5 out of 5
It is awesome

I gave it a 5 because
it makes my kids brain work hard and I like that

March 5, 2023
5 out of 5
Wordus, great game

Very few ads and seems well made

recreational rider reviewer
March 6, 2023
5 out of 5

Love Wordus, very challenging!
Hate the ads, much too many!
Sometimes I think about deleting the ap due to too many ads!!!!!

February 24, 2023
5 out of 5
Fun game

This is really great game, and it’s fun to play.

C.W. Gee
February 27, 2023
5 out of 5
Better Than Wordle

If you like Wordle like me٫ get this instead. As much as I love Wordle you can only pla play ONE LEVEL A DAY! That is useless if
you complete it then you gotta wait 24 hours who wants that? With thus app you can play all you want! So download now! (If you
feel like it im not an advertiser)

February 7, 2023
5 out of 5
I love a challenging game.

This is a fun and challenging game. It requires skill and logic. I love it

Tiny tiny dancer
February 7, 2023
5 out of 5

Absolutely intriguing game! Hard to stop playing. Challenging and worth playing!!!

L. L. Ford
February 15, 2023
4 out of 5
Great game but the ads…

Really enjoying this game, but the ads are pretty ridiculous. Not only is there an ad after every round, but each ad seems to be
minimum 15 seconds. Ugh.

January 29, 2023
5 out of 5
Pay the 6.99

The adds are merciless- pay the one time 6.99 or whatever for no adds

January 2, 2023
5 out of 5
Wordless is fabulous!

It's wonderful because it helps you learn more words and is a good game.

December 7, 2022
5 out of 5
A great challenge.

My daughter and I play it to see who can figure it out first. It has become a fun way to start my day.

September 19, 2022
5 out of 5

I love the game. There’s a great variety of words but the ads kill it a little.

karen the krabby complainer
September 24, 2022
5 out of 5
Expected better data

Paid for no-ad version to support the devs, but I did expect a little better data in the statistics. Not just levels but word
totals, like did I get 212/220 words so far. Things that shouldn’t be all that hard to generate. Anyway, good game overall, just
hope for a bit more info down the road.

October 8, 2022
4 out of 5

Confused about the piggy bank always too full. Will there ever be tournaments? I wish you could retry on a word you couldn’t
guess instead of it giving you the word at the end.

July 27, 2022
4 out of 5
Love it

Great game!
My only complaint is that I’ve been playing this for weeks and it never moves from “Level 26”. I get different puzzles, but
the level never moves. ?????

Mahjong Mama
June 23, 2022
5 out of 5

This game is so fun it’s one of the best games I’ve played you should go into the AppStore and get It!You will love it!Trust

June 27, 2022
4 out of 5
Rewards are not right

This game is great, except for the fact that if you play the daily challenge every day for a month, it promises you’ll get 300
gems, but it actually only gives you… 10. It’s happened twice now. It is incredibly annoying.

July 1, 2022
5 out of 5
Wordus rate

I like I gave it five stars because it was good but it gives you to much hints.Over all it is good and to much ads

kylie jo mckeough
June 8, 2022
4 out of 5
Great game! Could be better!

I paid for “ad free”! I’m getting ads!!! Please fix and I’ll give 5 stars!

May 28, 2022
5 out of 5

A great combination of logic and spelling.

May 29, 2022
5 out of 5

Such a fun game but way too many advertisements! Ugh!

Papa D-Golf0846
May 31, 2022
4 out of 5

I ordinarily like this game, but when I played all the daily games for a month, instead of giving the promised 300 gem award, the
game gave 20, which is not really anything worthwhile. Pretty frustrating.

May 31, 2022
5 out of 5
Lots of fun

A wonderful, challenging word game.

May 10, 2022
5 out of 5

Just wish there were less interruptions of sale of other games. Hard to get back to where you were. But I guess that’s the
price of free.

May 3, 2022
4 out of 5
Not for me but it’s ok

It’s OK I guessIt’s a little tricky for me I mean if you have a lot of free time I’d put it but it’s a little tricky I’d
recommend Trade me Mather same thing as Wordus

April 26, 2022
4 out of 5
Ditto on the “KINDA” bug

Happened to me as well, so not a one-of. Took a screenshot of it, and sent it in.

April 26, 2022
5 out of 5

Hello, how is your day? I would like to said you should have more easy like, balls ships, just more easy. Bye have a nice rest of
your day!

Kalon Kalon
April 6, 2022
5 out of 5
The great game

I love this game it is fun and very cool because
You have the best game in the world and I hope
Everyone loves your game from Sammy

March 30, 2022
4 out of 5

I kinda wish there were categories to pick because I feel like the words are just soooo random but other then that it is a great
brain game and it’s REALLY fun!!!

Bo Bruin's mom
March 22, 2022

Critic reviews

See what experts and critics are saying about Wordus. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews

3 out of 5
Reporting a Bug

Over the last week or more, I don’t see any names listed on the tournament screen when there is a tournament going on. I really
enjoy this game, so I am reporting this in hopes that this bug can be fixed. I have already tried offloading the app and
installing it again.

February 23, 2024
3 out of 5
It’s ok

There are words that for some reason it doesn’t recognize. Can be frustrating.

August 10, 2023
3 out of 5
Constant ads

No one wants to pay for no ads. I’d rather not even play than pay for no ads.

June 28, 2023
3 out of 5
Too many ads. Slow moving and long ads.

Forcing people tobuy things backfires. Reduce the price for ad free.

February 5, 2023
3 out of 5
Too many ads!!!

Don’t enjoy the extended interruptions.

December 26, 2022
3 out of 5
Fun game

Love this game but the ads are awful

October 20, 2022
3 out of 5
Ads take the fun away

Great version of Wordle but the ads make it miserable to use. I recommend the free NYTimes version over this.

November 11, 2022
3 out of 5
Fun play but doesn’t transfer

I have been playing the daily puzzle for a couple months and really like it.
But just got a new phone and cannot get any of my data to transfer to my new phone.
Just a big bummer.

November 13, 2022
3 out of 5

Unused letters need to be darker color….hard to distinguish….

Sent from Janet
November 23, 2022
3 out of 5

I enjoy the game but the ads between games is way tooooooo long. Less ads more game.

kantele player
July 2, 2022
3 out of 5
Keeps going black on ipad

I love this game but after ads it blacks out & freezes. I have to go to app store to reopen. I have the fastest internet. Hope you
can fix so i can give 5 stars.

June 11, 2022
3 out of 5

I don’t think the piggy bank should get all the gems then we have to pay a fee to get them.

Tired as usual
May 29, 2022
3 out of 5
Too many long ads

Game okay but endless very long ads

May 7, 2022
3 out of 5
Too many ads

Little play time. I spent most of my time watching ads. Found a better one with few ads.

April 27, 2022
3 out of 5
It’s great most of the time

It works great in all but I have had multiple times where it has said the answer is not a word so I cannot even guess it so I end
up getting it wrong.

April 5, 2022
3 out of 5

The game has way to many adds. There were 5 minutes worth of adds nonstop. It was so bad. The game also gives you the answers.

adds on adds
April 6, 2022
3 out of 5
Love it but how can I purchase the ad free?

Says 5.99 which is fine just sick of the ads

March 31, 2022
3 out of 5

Great version of the game, but way overpriced. Should be $2.99 at most. It’s currently $5.99.

March 30, 2022
3 out of 5
Bare bones

No scoreboard
No ranking
Hangman for adults.

January 22, 2022
3 out of 5
Endless plays

Love the endless plays. One of the things I would like to see is to be able to share with friends and or invite friends.

January 14, 2022
3 out of 5
Horrible keyboard

Great app but why doesn’t it have a regular iOS keyboard? A game for the elderly (which this is) should not have a tiny

January 15, 2022

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Recent App Reviews

Differences - Find & Spot It - I love this game. This game is so fun everybody download it because I want you to. I love you guys

Word Bliss - from PlaySimple - Need more. Sometimes you have words on here that I have never heard of. I would be nice if there were more hints that didn’t cost so many

Colorwood Sort Puzzle Game - Fun game. Fun game, aesthetically nice, but would really enjoy the option to purchase an ad-free version/be able to purchase power-ups. Ad
after every single level really kills it..