Giant Wanted: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

Dive into the world of Giant Wanted with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!
See what people think about this app, created by SUPERSONIC STUDIOS LTD and released in September 2021. With an impressive 4.5-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Giant Wanted offers an exciting experience in the action game category.
To make an informed decision, read Giant Wanted app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v1.10) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Giant Wanted alternatives. Start reading now!
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Positive reviews
Discover what users love about Giant Wanted in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews
The most terrible game ever!!!!!Its so bad that bob yhe builder went evil.
It’s fun and no longer glitchyIt’s just so fun and I keep playing it
This is a really great game but can you guys removThis is a really great game, except the adds are interrupting me and everytime I’m playing the game I keep being interrupted and
is annoying pls remove the adds so it won’t interrupt me again.
Kill emGot to double shoot sometimes but it’s cool
My reviewThis is such a nice game I love it thx for making this game.
9/10Hey golden here could we get an update
Gun!!!!!Gun gun gun fun gun I like bracueas of guns
Good game butIt’s a really good game but for some reason I got stuck and can’t move on from the Medusa boss
It’s actually kind of funIt’s a fun game, but it shows us a lot of ads of my face
NiceeeeeeI love the idea that you could do this is the best game ever
Jayden’s first album!Best day I’ve ever played in my entire life!!!!!
HuntThis is a really fun game I like to play
Great gameI love playing this game but I got stuck on a boss level, not because it’s hard to kill it, but because it won’t let me
progress. The game is bugged and I don’t wanna restart. Please try to fix this!
glitchI’m stuck on a boss level and I can’t go on even if I beat the level it just stays the same
GoodEntertaining and free. These red giants with their Burger King crowns crack me up.
Bug - stuck at a level after defeating bossAfter playing for an hour or so you will reach a stage where you will be stuck in the stage even after defeating the boss. You
won’t be able to continue the game any further.
Amazing I don’t know what to say this game is so fStill I don’t know what to say this is a nice game
Where you can shootI like you can shoot at any part of the giants body there is two places I like to shoot most one in the head and I think if
you’ve been on the internet you know the second
Very good gameI like the three monsters at how everything shatters when you shoot it
This game is awesome but please update itIt would be nice to be one of those people who run or to be a giant it is really fun but maybe even new weapons and maybe you can
ride one of those planes just suggestions
Fun game! To many ads.Ok this is about the best game ever but one problem way to many ads!
Great Game 🏆🏆🏆🏆🥇🥇It’s very fun to play and it’s fun to defeat the huge giant from the little people!! Awesome game 🥇🏆
less adsThis is an amazing game except they need less ads for people that don’t want to pay to get rid of ads, there could still be ads
but not one after every SINGLE ROUND!!!!
Great ButI wish there was a way to customize your wepons or even bullets just asking anyway love your game
Giant wantedThis game is so cool you can kill Godzilla and other things if that doesn’t mean nothing to you you are a AI but this game is
cooler than every game in my opinion.
My RatingThe game is pretty good for having to defend a city or town with just a sniper or bow or whatever item you have shooting beers,
cacti and bullets. I would overall give this game a 4 out of 5 stars.
Giant wantedSuper fun to play and for long car rides it the best game ever
Good gameGood game but make deaths more realistic
FUNVery fun to shoot monsters in the pp
Good gameThis is a really good games to play when I’m bored keep up the good work by making these games.
Amazing 🤩I literally love this game🫶🏾
Giant wantedBest game experience ever I played this when I feel stress and it makes all the stress go away
I wuv dis gameSo gud wood recommendations u pway it
Epic gameIt’s an epic game really fun play with a lot of my friends but I wish there was less ads
So good game getThe game is so cool I love it not very much adds get to shoot monsters and upgrade weapons.
Great game😃I like how you are on a building and have a sniper
Why this game is good🤪🤪🤪I 💖💝💞💕❣️❤️🩹❤️🔥💓💗 this game so much
Not badDon’t usually leave a review 11/8/22
Great game needs better tutorial and look around to see the enemies . Other than that it’s a great time waster
ShootI love to shoot the giants in this game. I love this game.Gaint Wanted is a pretty good game
Long timeI played it for 2 years now and it's great
I like itI played it then a deleted the game now it won’t let me in
Best game ever!!!Thank’s to the people ho made this game
NiceThis game is very cool and if u like shooting games u will definitely enjoy this but if u don’t like games with a lot of ads I
thinks this wouldn’t be the games for u it’s like one ad after 2 or 3 levels but I highly recommend it if u don’t care about
Good gameI love the anime tail t and health bars the end
Giant wantedPretty good game lots of detail it actually reminds me of a game on this poki website called shootz
GreatI would have given the game 5 stars if it didn’t have those stupid Evony ads. They make me unhappy. And I also want new types of
giant monsters.
It’s gooddssI have played 4 rounds and got just one ad!
I love thisI’ll I’ve this game it’s so satisfying!
The game itselfIt pretty goes fun relaxing and ez to play and understand
FunnnyLove it totally worth it not to much adds highly recommend it
Critic reviews
See what experts and critics are saying about Giant Wanted. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews
Not very goodI used to love this game and play it all the time like 2 years ago. But now I got to a boss round and when a I beat it it will not
let me progress to the next round.
Fun but bustedThe game still doesn’t progress past the Medusa boss fight level. Fix this bug.
It’s AlrThe game was fun and all that but one boss level wouldn’t let me finish it even though I beat the boss.
One thing to addCan you make them die more cool it does not look that cool when they just break apart and be grey
Aya(Iya)Ads good but ads😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Stuck on bossPlayed for a while removed ads. Then wouldn't let me passed the media boss.
Great for my 2yo grandsonMy grandson is obsessed with this game but he gets upset with the ads and then on level
18 u beat the boss and then it’s just stuck there. You have to delete and redownload the game to even be able to restart at the
first level… please fix all he wants to do is shoot the giants!!
HimGood game but it just stops on the midusa boss
ButThis game is very fun I love it but the only reason I give minus two stars is because on a certain level I defeat the lady with
snakes on her head then the round doesn’t end and I tried deleting it and then reinstalling it but it does the same thing
Fun game. Just a terrible bug right now.Stuck on a boss level. I kill the boss but nothing happens after. Just stuck sitting. Can’t go to next level or back! Please
fix. Tried to find a way to contact but couldn’t so I’m writing this review :/
50/50.I like the game. However the levels are too short, The Ads get old fast and there are more than enough of them. With the Ads being
one after another for about 30 sec each you spend more time waiting to play than actually playing.
good game but …WAY TOO MANY ADS and most of them 30 + seconds
If not for all the ads i’d rate higher
Can’t pass the Medusa levelGood fun game except that after you get to a Medusa in the Greek stage when you win you can’t go to next level. I have top of
the line i phone and excellent Wi-Fi service. So beware if you download this game and too many ads. But good game overall.
Too many adsGiant wanted is a pretty good game it’s just there are way too many ads and you have to pay for no ads
AdsDon’t like how there ads after every round it gets annoying
Good Game but unfortunate glitchThe game is great but I paid to remove ads and there are still ads..So many in fact that I won’t play it…..
CoolCool game, its just too many ads
Fun at firstIt was fun but after every level it just kept forcing adds man
MidThis game is really fun up until you get to a high level then it get almost impossible to beat now I don’t play anymore cus I
can’t win anymore
HiAll I have to say is Hi and this game is good
Watch adds more that’s you play the actual gameI LOVE this game but there’s way to many adds. Every 1 to 2 rounds you have to watch a video. I get it, that’s how y’all
make money, but the game would be a lot more enjoyable if you had less adds. Thank you for your time and bye.
The game is alrightIt’s like a shooting game but it’s not for teenagers I tried it and it’s like pretty cool
OkayIt’s okay, but I hate the adds.
Could be betterGame is advertised as it’s played but I’ve played maybe 45 seconds and watched 3-4 minutes of ads
good game but…the idea is good and game is fun but abnormally excessive ads that interrupt your enjoyment. No balance in ad/game!
Good But. BuggyI’m not sure what to say about this but it is just to buggy
What ruins it is the addsThere’s adds galore witch ruins this games
To much adds I deleted the game . Other then that it’s good
Fun but!!The game is fun but it keeps freezing, screen turning all black and/or completely closing by itself while playing. Just a few bugs
that need fixing but otherwise it is a fun game to play and help pass time.
.El juego esta divertido como para distraerse un rato pero el problema son los comerciales salen bastantes
whatPros-many weapons
Tactical stuff
Toooo many adsTooo many ads but when they’re off it’s a good game
Too many adsGame is fun but there are literally ads after everything you do so it really detracts from the enjoyment of the game and you have
to pay to remove the ads
Nice game, but half of it is ads.I understand the need to put ads into a game in order to generate revenue, but they almost in between every level, which to me
seems excessive, considering each level is about 30 seconds. Otherwise good game, nice time waster.
Don’t like itI don’t really like it because when they die there in peices
Cool Game, but stop with the adsGetting swarmed of ads instead of crippling giants
OkI love the game idea but it’s very laggy and I gets so many ads in the middle o levels
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