Monopoly Solitaire: Card Game: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

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Dive into the world of Monopoly Solitaire: Card Game with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!

See what people think about this app, created by MobilityWare and released in November 2021. With an impressive 4.7-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Monopoly Solitaire: Card Game offers an exciting experience in the card game category.

To make an informed decision, read Monopoly Solitaire: Card Game app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v2,024.20) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Monopoly Solitaire: Card Game alternatives. Start reading now!

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Reviews: 100 Avg. Rating: 3.9/10 US

Positive reviews

Discover what users love about Monopoly Solitaire: Card Game in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews

5 out of 5

Geez, I hate not being able to pay for no ads. Giving it up

Risky is sick of ads
September 5, 2024
4 out of 5
Bugs in this game!

This is my favorite game but it keeps crashing on my iPad. I’ve updated and even reinstalled it. It runs ok for awhile then
crashes again. Please fix this issue.

August 29, 2024
5 out of 5

I like the concept monopoly and solitaire

June 19, 2024
5 out of 5
Great game, but need more tokens

I have been playing this game daily for a couple of years now and I am completely out of new token choices. I still enjoy playing
but the extra challenges are just not there without new tokens added.

May 11, 2024
5 out of 5
New graphics

I absolutely love the new graphics. It was already my favorite game but now it’s even more awesome.

May 7, 2024
4 out of 5

Like the game a lot but when does the store refresh? I bought everything available, waiting for new tokens to show up

May 2, 2024
5 out of 5

When I try to play a game it’s frozen on mobiltyware
I’ve tried closing it and reopening it no luck
Even the latest update didn’t fix it please help me

May 1, 2024
4 out of 5
Need to Add some Updates

While placing your Cards in the columns.
You should be able to see your Opponent’s tokens moving forward on the board while playing or placing your Cards
And Final .. the User should be Penalized For Pressing the Light Bulb for requesting help.
A Countdown time clock makes the game better.”

January 3, 2024
4 out of 5

Fun game just to many ads that cause it to freeze

December 20, 2023
4 out of 5
Too much Jail and not landing on properties.

I like the game and play it a lot but it’s frustrating now. I get a lot of Jail time and about 80% of the time time I don’t
land on properties. I can go around the board and two times on 1 deal and not lane on a property. These rolls are not random.
Please fix this. Thank you

Throttle SS
November 9, 2023
5 out of 5
Addictive and Fun

I agree with the previous reviewer especially about locking the railroads.

November 2, 2023
4 out of 5
Best game ever

Although I really love this game lately, it’s been stopping and resetting on me due to saying there’s no connection. I am on
my Wi-Fi 24 seven so I don’t not know what’s going on. Hopefully you can get this fixed ASAP.

November 1, 2023
4 out of 5
Love this but too many ads

This is my favorite solitaire game! I wish there was a way to buy no ads because I would in a heart beat!

October 29, 2023
5 out of 5
I enjoyed it

Honestly I did I love both games so putting them together is great

October 21, 2023
4 out of 5
Let The card game be a card game

Not a fan of holidays so idky card games have to advertise all that stuff why can’t it just be a game instead o

October 26, 2023
4 out of 5
Too many glitches

Good game but it’s been glitchy and hangs up often. Getting worse. Bonus points don’t always get awarded Same with

October 27, 2023
5 out of 5
Love it

Love the game just wish I could connect to Facebook and play against my friends and family

September 11, 2023
5 out of 5
Love it

Wish is the commercials was alittle faster or shorter 🤔

September 19, 2023
4 out of 5
Need to have multi player

I love this game til the point I put my husband onto it and he loves it we both do but I wish and hope that y'all turn this to
multiplayer to play like with friends one day in the future but it's so addictive and interesting to play so 😇😇yeah I love
it tho ♡

July 19, 2023
4 out of 5
Good game

Not a huge fan of monopoly just wanted to try it and I can say that I love this version of solitaire. This version made me like
monopoly a lil bit

July 19, 2023
5 out of 5
The great Monopoly

I really enjoy it and it’s just like the original game and the other side of the house is still good for sure and hotel too

Suboxing Champ
July 20, 2023
5 out of 5
Great Game

After communicating with the design team and receiving an explanation for the change needed in the increase diamond cost for
tokens and token bundles I’m back to loving this game and would rate it six stars if I could. Keep up the great design work!!!

July 22, 2023
4 out of 5
Love this but, the ads must go!!

It’s cool to have the best of both worlds in your game, monopoly and solitaire, but the ads makes the game blah and long. Please
either decrease them or offer a purchase, missy get rid of them.. it’s killing the vibe.

July 2, 2023
5 out of 5

Easy and and lot of fun yo play this classic!!!

June 24, 2023
4 out of 5
Too many advertisements for other games

Love playing but can’t stand all the game adds. If I wanted another game I would find it without it being pushed at me

June 27, 2023
5 out of 5
Update- App gets stuck on Mobility Ware screen

Latest update fixed all issues! Thank you!

So sad it won’t open Ive been playing for years- hoping this will get fixed asap without losing progress.

June 15, 2023
5 out of 5
Big bug fix needed!

Love this game, but fix the bug!!‼️

June 16, 2023
5 out of 5
My Number 1 rank in the world

I like Monopoly. I like Solitare. I like them 2x better when combined. When I was 9, my mom taught me how to play Solitare. When
me and my family played Monopoly: The Mega Edition, it was me and my family that taught me how to play.

June 18, 2023
4 out of 5
Fathers Day

I was really disappointed when there wad no Fathers Day tokens. And the Mothers Day tokens were removed to early. I love this
game and play it all the time. Just wish there was more special tokens .

June 19, 2023
4 out of 5
Would love option to buy ad free.

Absolutely love this game! But the ads are too much. Some ads freeze up and I have to close out the app entirely and restart it. A
one time purchase for no ads like a lot of my other apps would be awesome!! Please add that!

June 20, 2023
4 out of 5
New pieces

What happened to earning me pieces when you reach the treasure chest?? Please bring back! Not only that, completed all the quest
to earn new colors of the pieces then you update and I had to do more quest!! Please fix!

May 25, 2023
4 out of 5

Super fun. Wish there was a way to pay for no ads. And a better way to earn the tokens in the shop. Diamonds are hard to get
without paying for them.

Sad Uno player
May 26, 2023
4 out of 5
I’d pay

I would happily pay for an ad free version

May 4, 2023
4 out of 5
Super fun and addictive but…

Really enjoy this game. So addictive but freezes at the end of almost every deal. Have to close and reopen the app.

May 5, 2023
4 out of 5
One app I’d pay to get rid of ads

I used to enjoy this game until the ads. I’d pay to get rid of them! Otherwise it’s great.

May 5, 2023
4 out of 5

This game is not terrible but it cheats…a lot. Even on easy mode you will constantly end up in jail or on non buyable property.
If you can get over the cheating of the A. I. It’s a good game. Also you still get rewards if you don’t win the game.

May 5, 2023
4 out of 5

This game is not terrible but it cheats…a lot. Even on easy mode you will constantly end up in jail or on non buyable property.
If you can get over the cheating of the A. I. It’s a good game. Also you still get rewards if you don’t win the game.

April 30, 2023
5 out of 5
Love it.

Had to go out and buy a monopoly game because I love this. One thing though, recently I can’t find the five deal game. Did it
go away?

April 30, 2023
4 out of 5

Very fun game but please provide an option to purchase ad-free version. Thanks

May 1, 2023
4 out of 5

I love the game it’s fun to play and takes me back to when I was kid, my own issue with this app is that there are a lot of ads
and understand the point of ads but every second it’s a new ad less ads the better

keaira brown
April 27, 2023
4 out of 5

add a no ads add on perhaps, its a fun game wouldnt mind the 2-4$ for no ads

April 12, 2023
5 out of 5

This is Absolutely awesome! Honestly I don’t know the words to describe how much fun this is! It’s a must play. I’ve
forgotten as I’ve grown up how much fun these old games really are if this was rated like movies it deserves 👍👍 and
more!! 😃

April 6, 2023
4 out of 5
Since the update….

Unable to start the game. Won’t get past opening credits. Deleted and reloaded and the game still locks up. Please fix.

April 7, 2023
5 out of 5
The game

I really enjoy this fame my top 2 games world wide every since i was little Monopoly, solitarie 2 in one and I love the different
level and different pace as well . I give this game 10 stars if possible …

April 8, 2023
4 out of 5
Great game!

Great game! But the last few tries I couldn’t get pass the introduction screen. Maybe a bug or something.

April 8, 2023
5 out of 5

I loved playing Monopoly growing up, but now that I’m a lot older and no one will play with me. I am glad I found this one. Keep
up the good work.

Crime breaker
April 4, 2023
4 out of 5

I love this game and play when I have free time. I wish however that you could pay a low fee to stop all advertisements.

April 4, 2023
4 out of 5

The ads aren’t too bad, except when the ads are in landscape mode (which most are) the game’s view is screwed up and it is
impossible to continue when you go back to the game in portrait mode. Either make your advertisers present ads in portrait mode or
update your game to run in landscape.

Terry N
March 25, 2023
5 out of 5
A new way to play

Solitaire has never been so much fun! I love this combination with Monopoly

March 26, 2023
4 out of 5
Fun, but way too many ads

I do like playing this quite a bit and like that you can unlock tokens and versions of those unlocked tokens. I just wish there
was an option to be ad free. Every single time you finish a round, you have to wait through the ads.

March 28, 2023

Critic reviews

See what experts and critics are saying about Monopoly Solitaire: Card Game. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews

3 out of 5
Fun game but a lot of annoying glitches

I just started playing this and have been enjoying it but unfortunately the game can’t seem to stop randomly glitching out. It
keeps just leaving the pop ups from the game frozen up on the screen but then it still will let me play the cards but not the game
board. Just a bit frustrating honestly.

August 25, 2024
3 out of 5
Love the game. Hate the ads

The game is fun, but way too many ads!

Lubie bird
June 18, 2024
3 out of 5

Can we please get the option to purchase no ads?

May 10, 2024
3 out of 5
Great until broken

I loved this game until the last couple weeks when it’s had more and more glitches and now I can’t see any of the tokens.

April 5, 2024
3 out of 5
Loved it until…

I had to reinstall and lost all my progress please help me I had completed a lot 🙏🏽😔

April 5, 2024
3 out of 5
I like the game but

Ads keep breaking the app Ive deleted and loaded again but it doesn’t matter. I had this problem a long time ago and stopped
playing I just started again and can’t believe it’s doing the same thing.

d nichols2
April 4, 2024
3 out of 5

good game just WAY too many ads, i wish there was an option to pay for no ads for real.

February 29, 2024
3 out of 5

Can’t deal new card when you know the one you’re deal is no good too many ads

President kell
February 15, 2024
3 out of 5
Fun But Ads

This game is a lot of fun for those who enjoy solitaire and monopoly. However, there are way too many ads, even simply between
each deal to complete an actual game.

December 29, 2023
3 out of 5
Ad Free Version?

Is there a version you can pay for to avoid the ads? The amount of ads are enough to want to delete the app.

December 25, 2023
3 out of 5
Adds are WAY TOO LONG!!!

Great game and fun to play. But, get ready for 1 minute plus long commercials….and a plethora of them. Made me erase it and go
with your run of the mill solitaire game instead. Sad.

December 4, 2023
3 out of 5
Random wins games out of nowhere

Love the concept of the game. What I don’t like is how at the end of the game I’m in first place by 400-500 points yet by the
final total I end up losing by over 1,000 points after the final total. There’s no point of playing if I’m randomly losing

AA 92
November 30, 2023
3 out of 5
Recent updates improved but I want to pick my colo

I don’t understand why I can’t pick what color I want to be in this game. It’s ridiculous. Recent updates have improved the
game itself and it’s not locking up like it was but I don’t like being green

November 20, 2023
3 out of 5
loved it but now it’s GLITCHY

I’ve been enjoying this game for about 3 months now but the last 3 weeks or more, I’m not getting new tokens. When I earn
them, the box goes away before I can press collect and then I don’t see it the collection either. This is starting to get
annoying!! Please fix!!

November 10, 2023
3 out of 5
Games starting to get aggravating

I enjoyed the game the first few days but now it’s getting frustrating. If I’m not going to jail more than three to four times
per round, I’m paying the income and luxury taxes every other time around. Let’s spread out the bad stuff a little more
evenly, okay?

October 18, 2023
3 out of 5
Too Many Ads

An ad after every hand. Ads during the game. They take too long to load. They take too long to clear. A fun game, but spoiled by
too many ads.

October 19, 2023
3 out of 5
Don’t like the update

This game was fun, now it’s pretty much impossible to do anything with out spending money. It would help if we could send gold
cards to friends! And get more dice to complete sets! Felling stressed out!!!!

September 10, 2023
3 out of 5

I enjoy this game and the challenges but too many ads and they are the same games of which some I play some I will never play so
the adds don’t sway me one way or another.

July 20, 2023
3 out of 5

Love this game ! But it has froze up on me 5 times now in the last couple of weeks, so I had to delete app 5 times , such a
disappointment when you have won so many times and loose every thing because it has frozen. Please fix, I will continue playing
because it’s so much fun !

July 23, 2023
3 out of 5

The odds of landing on one of the taxes each time around. 100%.
The odds of landing on community chest or chance each time around. 100%.

dont't care anymore
July 1, 2023
3 out of 5
Great game

Ive spent so much time playing this game but all the crashes and all of the loading time is truly a headache. Why? Fix ur app, and
maybe add a pay option for no ads thatll help out.

June 23, 2023
3 out of 5

I was enjoying the game. Part of my enjoyment was collecting all of my tokens and making them orange. Then tonight I opened the
app and all of the colors that I had previously unlocked were now locked. I don’t think I’ll be playing this again. That’s a
lot of time to unlock those colors.

June 21, 2023
3 out of 5
Too many ads

I love this game! However with the amount of ads we are forced to watch it makes me hate to play it! Can you please create a paid
version where you only have to watch ads to get property money?

June 3, 2023
3 out of 5

Fun game. I love solitaire and Monopoly but WAY to many ads.
Sadly I removed the app from my phone. I got the game to relax and unwind but after so many ads, I’ve had it.

May 28, 2023
3 out of 5
Too many ads

I would give this game 5 stars but there are way too many ads! I am really considering stopping this game just for that reason!

June 1, 2023
3 out of 5

get rid of the ads and it will be perfect

kplatner1018 on ig
May 19, 2023
3 out of 5

Why do I still lose a turn when I have and use a get out of jail free card, that shouldn’t happen bc the. The card useless?!

May 19, 2023
3 out of 5
Quests Reset!?!?!

How come all my quests reset overnight?Loved it until then. Levels still showing okay. Still have my tokens but all the different
skins are locked again? WTH 🤬

May 20, 2023
3 out of 5
Game is fun, but has problems.

The game is a lot of fun. You can get different tokens and different colors. Combining solitaire and monopoly is great. What
isn’t great is the game freezing, and when you roll it won’t always allow you to purchase available properties.

May 22, 2023
3 out of 5

Game completely crashed right now & I love this game. Can I please get any tech support?

May 5, 2023
3 out of 5

I loved this game at first!! As soon as I hit level 40, I stopped being able to win any round no matter the level of difficulty!!
Makes me angry!!!

April 21, 2023
3 out of 5

Too many ads. The game is okay but there is no way to slow down the constant ads. They could get enough ad revenue by the option
to watch an ad for benefits in the game.

March 25, 2023
3 out of 5
Needs more than 3 games

I enjoy playing the game but gets old having only 2 dashes and deal tycoon. Unless I’m missing a way to get more

March 12, 2023
3 out of 5
Subpar Quality

This game has so much potential. It’s engaging and challenging like the true Monopoly game and that’s where the innovation

It’s almost lazy that multiplayer options aren’t present. Why can’t I share a game with 4 strangers or those around me on
game night?

March 5, 2023
3 out of 5
Fun…when you have Wi-Fi

I searched for an app that I could play without internet. This worked for a while, then stopped.
It gets stuck on the Mobilityware splash screen.
Developers reached out to me for more info, but never got back in touch with me.
Issue is ongoing.

February 22, 2023
3 out of 5
Love it but…

I love this game but there are TOO many ads.

March 2, 2023
3 out of 5
Innacurate count

I notice that the count is innacurate. For example, if I roll 10, it may move me 7 or 8 spaces and either skip chance/community
chest OR make me come short of getting it. It really bothers me.

February 15, 2023
3 out of 5
Crashes every time I play

I really like this game but it constantly crashes. I enjoy playing but it stops a few minutes into it every single time! It’s

January 30, 2023
3 out of 5

To many adds and it’s single card play I wish it was draw there

Jonny love911
January 8, 2023

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