Sugar (game): User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

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Dive into the world of Sugar (game) with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!

See what people think about this app, created by Bart Bonte and released in October 2021. With an impressive 4.3-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Sugar (game) offers an exciting experience in the puzzle game category.

To make an informed decision, read Sugar (game) app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v2.50) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Sugar (game) alternatives. Start reading now!

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Reviews: 71 Avg. Rating: 4.8/10 US

Positive reviews

Discover what users love about Sugar (game) in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews

5 out of 5
My Favorite Game

Sugar game is one of my favorites ever. I have started it, beat it, started it again and beat it over and over multiple times.
Levels are challenging but in a fun way. One of the more creative games I’ve seen. Please keep making more levels!

March 16, 2024
5 out of 5
Hidden Gem

Don’t think I’ve ever reviewed an app before. This game is so fun my only negative is that I beat all the levels and will have
to wait for new ones! Great game.

January 14, 2024
5 out of 5
Love This Game

Super fun game. It’s a nice mix of simple and challenging. I can’t wait for more levels. One of the few games I’ve
recommended to family.

November 14, 2023
5 out of 5

I absolutely loved this game. I recommend it to everyone and can’t wait for more levels!

October 30, 2023
4 out of 5
Good game

I used to play the original flash version in the early 2010s, i dont really like the levels where you erase instead of draw but
the game is fun nonetheless

September 27, 2023
4 out of 5
Great game… not colorblind friendly

There are some really fun challenges. But sometimes the game gets hard because you can’t find the color within the background,
if your red green colorblind. This would be a great accessibility setting to add Hint hint.

July 31, 2023
5 out of 5
Well designed puzzle game

Fun and challenging, but not frustrating. I hope more levels come out soon.

Timbo A
August 9, 2023
5 out of 5

Ah sugar (ba da ba da ba baa)
Ah honey honey (ba da ba da ba baa)
You are my candy girllllll
And you got me wanting youuuu

June 23, 2023
4 out of 5

Happy to see this game on the phone. I remember sneakily playing it in middle school on the laptops

July 1, 2023
5 out of 5

Can you add an update with a colorblind toggle. The green red yellow is hard to distinguish apart.

July 6, 2023
4 out of 5
Great but…

The game is really fun! But I am stuck on a level and have been for a long time. I wish there was an option to skip a level so
that I don’t have to play the same level over and over again. Thanks!

May 14, 2023
5 out of 5
Honestly one of my favorite apps

Sweet sugar vibes, love the recently added levels. Keep ‘em coming.

Fig Fig Fig Fig
May 24, 2023
5 out of 5
New levels!

Yea! So excited for the new levels, thank you!

App reviews by Grace R.
May 1, 2023
5 out of 5
Love love love

This is a very simple game, but extremely fun. I love trying to solve the puzzles. And I highly recommend getting this.

March 31, 2023
5 out of 5
Such a classic!

I remember playing this game throughout middle/high school whenever there was a computer in front of me! Need more levels like
ASAP!! Please I come back to this game on the AppStore every couple weeks hoping for new levels!

April 1, 2023
5 out of 5
Super Fun Game

Love this game. It’s simple yet challenging. It’s a blast working through the tougher levels until I finally break through.

March 20, 2023
5 out of 5
One Of The Best Mobile Games

I grew up playing Sugar Sugar on coolmath so I was excited to find this game. Love the mechanics and all of the new challenging
levels. I really liked the teacup add on as well. Looks like there’s 150 levels so far, but looking forward to new ones! 10/10!

February 26, 2023
5 out of 5
Best game I’ve played in a while

Not many games keep my attention and this is the first one to do so in a very long time. I never write reviews but had to come
here and write this one. Challenging & satisfying and so well done.

January 19, 2023
5 out of 5

Love this game, I played all 150 levels. Often the simplest games are the most challenging, & this is the perfect example.
Didn’t experience any glitches, just physics puzzle game fun.

January 29, 2023
5 out of 5
Love the game but taking forever with updating lev

I love this game, it’s simple and it’s a fun strategy. I downloaded this game months ago and I am still waiting for more
levels. There are only 150.

January 31, 2023
5 out of 5
Want more levels

This is an awesome game the only bad reviews are people nit picking it. I would just like to see more than the 150 levels.

January 14, 2023
5 out of 5
After 150

Are there going to be any more levels released?

December 18, 2022
5 out of 5
Favorite Game

I played this as a kid and still love it. I finally beat level 150. When are more coming out??!

December 29, 2022
5 out of 5
Such a classic!

I remember playing this game throughout middle/high school whenever there was a computer in front of me! Need more levels like
ASAP!! The more the merrier

December 29, 2022
5 out of 5
Great game!

Very fun game to play casually. It’s also great that new levels are occasionally added.

January 2, 2023
5 out of 5
My childhood has returned

I played the sugar sugar flash games way back like over a decade ago. This new one in the series feels like a nostalgia trip back
to the adobe flash games.

January 10, 2023
5 out of 5
Just like I remember it

I remember playing “sugar sugar” on coolmath and sites like that. The puzzles aren’t ever really frustratingly hard either.
It’s just a chill relaxing game.

December 1, 2022
5 out of 5

I downloaded this game not knowing anything at all about it. I liked that it was a puzzle game and looked very simplistic. Man,
this game got me hooked! 150 levels just isn’t enough, I’m craving more sugar! I’m off to search for more games by this
developer. Thanks so much!

December 2, 2022
5 out of 5
Whoop whoop!

Love this game, and thank you to the developer for helping me out with my problem now I’m able to play through the levels. 10/10

Cat ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
December 6, 2022
5 out of 5
beautiful game

i used to play something similar to this when i was a kid it looked exactly like this !!! coolest i think!!!! great game!!

November 22, 2022
5 out of 5

I love bart’s games, I had an issue with level 54: it glitched out and didn’t allow me to continue, but it let me after
completing it again.

guud volt
November 24, 2022
5 out of 5
Love this relaxing game

So soothing! Fun puzzles. Cannot wait for new levels! Thank you

App reviews by Grace R.
September 9, 2022
5 out of 5
so fun!!

this game is so addicting and gives me total nostalgia from my childhood. only issue is there’s a bug for me; occasionally when
I finish a level it says I didn’t complete it yet. However I don’t have to restart the whole level, I just have to restart the

August 30, 2022
5 out of 5

I love sugar sugar when I was 4-5 while I was playing ABCya in my old PC. It was good memories and I loved it. Now that I am grown
up, I decided to play that game again just for fun. It was better than the old version (well I like the sandbox mode). Such


July 2, 2022
5 out of 5
Goated game

Game of my childhood, I played this when I was in elementary school & im now going into college. Thanks for all the memories

I liek future bass
August 8, 2022
5 out of 5
Omg yes

Dude I remember playing this on and I had so much fun thank god it got ported here finally

one foamy boi
July 1, 2022
5 out of 5

Thank you for making this game! I always played the flash game of this this on the school computers, but because flash was shut
down, i can't play it anymore. i just found this recently and I'm really happy about it!

May 1, 2022
5 out of 5

So far, the simplest yet most clever and ingenious game/app ever made. No other game/app comes close. This is addictive and
captures your interest from the moment you first start playing. One word: Amazing.

May 2, 2022
5 out of 5

I'm fifteen and already reminiscing about the "good old days." I played this all the time on ABCYa when I was little. I grew up,

April 7, 2022
4 out of 5
Addicting, but too many ads to keep the app

I totally understand ads make the money, but I’m sure you would have a ton of more downloads and people keeping the game
downloaded if there were at least 5 levels without ads. Other than that, really fun! 😊

March 29, 2022
5 out of 5
This developer makes the best games

Best mobile game since flappy bird

January 20, 2022
5 out of 5

Loved sugar sugar as a kid and I’m very happy to see a mobile version now. Cheers

February 8, 2022
5 out of 5
Sugar sugar

It’s like being in high school on the pc all over again

I love it.

March 10, 2022
5 out of 5

I remember playing this 10 years ago and being astonished by not only the game but by the music the colors, and the overall vibe.
So glad to see this on mobile

March 10, 2022
5 out of 5

What!!?!??! This is an awesome game! Makes me think, keeps me entertained. More levels, pretty please! (It will still be fun to
replay the existing ones….)

January 20, 2022
5 out of 5
sugar sugar!

i loved this game on cool math games! I’m glad they brought it to iPhone! great game to pass the time!

January 8, 2022
4 out of 5
A good game

It’s a good game, it’s fun and really an overall good game!! Definitely suggest it, I just didn’t really like the the
graphics of the sugar ig, but really I’m just being picky. The rest of the game is amazing, and I recommend it :)

January 2, 2022
5 out of 5
sugar sugar

LOVED playing this game in 3rd grade, so happy its finally on the app store 💟

December 10, 2021
5 out of 5
Super Fun

I’ve never made a review on a game before but this was super fun and I noticed it was pretty small so I’m writing this review
to try to boost the game!

December 26, 2021
5 out of 5
Love It 🤍

This game brings back so many memories from when i would play it as a kid 💕 are there going to be more levels added?

November 16, 2021

Critic reviews

See what experts and critics are saying about Sugar (game). Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews

3 out of 5
was fun until it got to the precision levels

drawing w ur finger is just too jank & imprecise for that to be anything other than aggravating…

No Name Paper
July 10, 2023
3 out of 5
Very simple

The game is great for a child as they learn logic and for adults just looking to waste some time, but it’s very repetitive and
not challenging or exciting once you’ve done like 20 levels

Artless barnacle
June 3, 2023
3 out of 5
Could be a good game

Would have been a great fun game but every 3 levels is a 30-45 second ad that is hard to close and I end up losing interest. There
is no reason for ads on a game like this. Very disappointing and I ended up deleting after 15 minutes.

February 6, 2023
3 out of 5
Not polished enough for this many ads

I get it - show me ads to play for free. Typically, though, the game is either really polished to justify ads early on, or it lets
you play longer before forcing them. This game forces ads every level after the first.

January 17, 2023
3 out of 5

So this game was fun at first and super relaxing. But then it just got boring. Maybe it’s just me but I think you should mix it
up. Good game though! Very relaxing.

July 9, 2022

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