Beat Battle - Full Mod Fight: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

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Dive into the world of Beat Battle - Full Mod Fight with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!

See what people think about this app, created by Jingmao Tec and released in August 2021. With an impressive 4.6-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Beat Battle offers an exciting experience in the music game category.

To make an informed decision, read Beat Battle app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v4.80) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Beat Battle alternatives. Start reading now!

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Reviews: 100 Avg. Rating: 4.4/10 US

Positive reviews

Discover what users love about Beat Battle in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews

4 out of 5
Private Games

I absolutely love this game, but the only thing that would make it better is when you do a private room instead of the songs being
random you should be able to choose songs

October 8, 2024
5 out of 5
Best game ever

I been playing for five years and it the best game ever

October 5, 2024
4 out of 5
I didn’t mean to hide copycat

I love beat battle a lot put please add a button so I can get him back

fan it
October 1, 2024
5 out of 5
Add songs like oh god no and the gorefield mod

I may be stupid but add oh god no and gorefield mod V2 the reason i said I may be stupid is because I started in season 13 a.k.a
spongebob season so may in one of your seasons you had gorefield skins and songs but make your next song that you add is plan z

The numbers lol
September 10, 2024
4 out of 5
Too much ads

The game is fun and all but how come every game has an ad it’s so annoying. Can we please have an update on this? It would make
the game so much better🙏🙏🙏

September 8, 2024
5 out of 5
Love The Game!

I absolutely love this game!! But when are we gonna get a week 8? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

natailie woods
September 3, 2024
4 out of 5
Good game but it’s unfair sometimes

Some songs are really unfair for some sides and dosent give people a chance to win.

August 28, 2024
5 out of 5
This game is the best tbh

This game is soo fun it will make me play it for like a wholeeeeee year plus I am close to the highest rank I just need one more
and who ever made this ok they need an Oscar frrrrr and even my friends play this with me SO TRY IT OR ILL EAT UR FEET

August 25, 2024
4 out of 5
Awww Shucks (Mod)

Hello! I was wondering if you guys could add the mod aww shucks and JEFFY’S endless atheos pls and can you make the music look
like the ones in the actual mods like the animation and if you could I would be glad and thank you very much.

August 10, 2024
5 out of 5
Please look at this before getting the game

This game is great but there are a lot of issues. I’ll keep it short. One there are adds every time you play a song and after
you finish. Two when I watch ads some of the exit buttons don’t work and then there was literally no point of watching the ad.
🥲. Three Actually that was it…

July 16, 2024
5 out of 5
My one idea

You should bring back the Alistair
pack back for the people who didn’t get it

Who is master
July 9, 2024
4 out of 5
My review

Ok so first thing first when I get an ad and I come back to the starting screen I can’t hear anything and I payed for 10+ hearts
and I never got my 10+ hearts

June 30, 2024
5 out of 5
It da good stuff

its hard but fun i like it and its 5 star and its relaxing i like smile and guns i like da graghics

cool kid 1234 5678
June 11, 2024
4 out of 5
Please add this

So this mod doesn’t have the golf mod of fnf and it doesn’t have starecrown and those are my fav mods so can you please add
these and also for the harder levels can we get more health like 2 or 3 more thanks

I want this to change
June 10, 2024
5 out of 5

Can you please add Demon soul bf back? It would be my dream to have him in my locker.

M. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
May 26, 2024
5 out of 5

I love this game so much. I think you should make the bendy last reel level an insane level rather than just a normal level. Make
it harder and an insane version

Carter deitrick
May 11, 2024
5 out of 5
awesome but a few more things

i like how you make suicide mouse phase 2 skin but i want phase 3 skin and the skin where his eyes are white.

Jacob Shenk
May 1, 2024
4 out of 5
Pls read

I think it’s very fun I Just think that you can update the story modes more often

April 20, 2024
5 out of 5
This game is rascist

Every time a look away the game decides to start out of nowhere. And when I press the notes it doesn’t register.

April 9, 2024
5 out of 5
This is a great game

I have been playing this game for about 2 years now, it’s the best

March 15, 2024
5 out of 5

It has the perfect notes and it has characters that you can be

March 10, 2024
5 out of 5
Great game but…

Hi! This is a great game, a lot like fnf with more songs for free! But I think there’s to many ads, instead of ads whenever you
fail a song maybe every two or three rounds there’s a ad? Way to many ads but overall a great game

Super Grace awesome
March 10, 2024
5 out of 5
Best game but one ting that needs detailed

When you get another character it’s still has the same voice so I taken you should add another voice but the game is so good I
can’t stop playing it.

xccffh get
March 3, 2024
5 out of 5
The awesome game

This game is also me it’s a awesome game and I think all of you will like it just like me

February 27, 2024
5 out of 5

it’s just like fnf but you have skin btw best game ever

Ish ❣️
February 19, 2024
5 out of 5
Less ads pls

It's great and all but less ads pls all I ask

~poptart cat~
February 9, 2024
5 out of 5

The most important part is the way the game plays and how the players interact

he said why, I said why?
February 9, 2024
5 out of 5
Thai is the best game ever

This is a really good game but… it would be even better if you added allot of doors Friday night funkin mod

January 31, 2024
4 out of 5
Por esto puse 4

Cuando no falló pierdo y el otro con fallar 1 o 5 el gana y yo no lo entiendo

January 26, 2024
4 out of 5
EX and uneven notes.

I love the concept of the game, I have been playing for almost 4 years. But, the EX in the new update is not fair, for the e black
impostor, you can only get the 6th EX with the premium, and sometimes for me, the other player I’m against gets more notes than
me, please fix this. Thanks!

idk what to name, just look
January 25, 2024
4 out of 5
It’s okay

I like the concept of the game but I feel like some songs are way too hard for a mobile app and for our fingers. Please add some
sort of costume ways to play the game cause I hate playing it upwards.

January 13, 2024
5 out of 5
Very good game

I like this story mode and all the mods that I could play I don’t like what is it you are trying very hard to win, but you fail
but you keep on getting better and better the developers really said that they can make Friday night Funkin on phone

January 1, 2024
4 out of 5
Fix it

I’m trying to play one of my favorite games an I can’t because every time I log in it says the server is busy I’ve restarted
my Wi-Fi my phone every thing an it’s the same thing I don’t won’t to delete the app cus I’m goin to lose all my stuff fix
this issue plz

December 9, 2023
5 out of 5
Amazing game. Just a lot of ads

This game is amazing and I never have bugs with it but I just wished it had no ads otherwise itbis a really good game. It's
probably my favorite game to play currently because the features it has. The ads play after I do a song and it's a bit annoying
but I still love this game.

December 3, 2023
5 out of 5
I like the Christmas event it is very good and you

🌲 Christmas 🤶
thank you for doing this event because Christmas is almost here

December 1, 2023
4 out of 5
I love it but few things…

I absolutely love this game but there are a few problems. Apparently for some it says that there is no wi-fi when there really is.
Other say the sever is too busy. I if could fix these problems I would gladly give this game 5 stars.

November 8, 2023
5 out of 5


November 8, 2023
4 out of 5
I like it but

Look, the game is fun, I have played it for years, but on the online version when you battle people, take out the songs that give
the other player extra notes, it’s unfair and gets my ranks knocked down.

idk what to name, just look
November 8, 2023
5 out of 5
Love it

Absolutely love the game and songs, but can we add Funkdela Catalogue? Even the Z mixed songs as an extra challenge. Keep up the
good work though.

Bib Bap the Grunt
November 6, 2023
5 out of 5
My rating

⠀ (\__/)
(•ㅅ•) *beat duel*
_ノ ヽ ノ\ __
/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ
( (三ヽ人 / |
| ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ ノ
|( 王 ノ〈 (\__/)
/ミ`ー―彡\ (•ㅅ•) every other music game

November 7, 2023
5 out of 5
Why I want Null and void

I love music battle but there’s something I want you to add it is from a mod it’s called NULL AND VOID I really love it and I
want you to add it may be more harder than expected because there is a lot of animation there but I hope you try your best bye

November 7, 2023
5 out of 5
Cool and a few comments

I really like the game super nice 😊 I just really love it when you get to battle other people from around the world and I also
love is that you can choose your own character to play as! So I give this a five star! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

November 7, 2023
5 out of 5
Totally Cool Title

Hiiii I’m a big fan of the original FNF games and I’m glad you made it mobile I’ve been playing the game for forever now and
wondering if you could add customizable notes to the game as well a way to costomize the enemy like you can with the character
thx. 😁

bazoka troble
November 8, 2023
5 out of 5
this game is so good

this game is awesome thank you so much:)

November 5, 2023
4 out of 5


November 5, 2023
5 out of 5
It’s good but it is lagging

Can u add confronting yourself and lost my mind pls thank u! it is lagging because when I die u can have free life by doing a ad,
but when I press it lags alllllll the time. I usually rage sooooo much and put one star BUT I am not mean soooo I put 5 stars, can
u fix that pls!

November 6, 2023
4 out of 5
Love it but to many ads

I have been playing this game for a little bit now and it’s really fun and good quality
But if you die and click cancel you get one or two ads that waste your time . But this game is fun but that is all(:

November 4, 2023
5 out of 5

The game is really cool it’s just that you have to type really fast and just try not to die because when you die, he drops the
mic and you see his balls it’s weird but it’s a really cool game downloaded you’ll love it you like games like this

Willam Harris
November 4, 2023
4 out of 5
love the game, just like fnf

but the only thing i ask is to make it so we can toggle the emotes on or off because usually someone spams the sticker/ emote and
it messes up what im trying to tap, it would be helpful

November 2, 2023
5 out of 5
Best outta best

Bro this game is like best outta best fnf games I’ve ever played 🤩 👍

November 3, 2023

Critic reviews

See what experts and critics are saying about Beat Battle. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews

3 out of 5
Please more FNF beat battle songs

I think in the story mode or regular game mode you should add DeltaFunk’s main 4 songs because you have a bunch of songs from
undertale but none for deltarune. Please and thank you

July 19, 2024
3 out of 5
Kinda p2w tbh

I would love it if there were a way to get health without buying

June 17, 2024
3 out of 5
It needs more lives

It is a gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood gaaaaaaaaaasaame but it needs fixing every song needs three lives

Evan Mendoza hesker
June 1, 2024
3 out of 5
Why I picked a three

It was a five at first but every round I lost and even if they missed I would lose newbies beat me even though I didn’t miss
half of it I’m pretty sure this is a bug. FIX IT. It’s making me not want to play this anymore if it keeps doing this

Layla & rose
April 28, 2024
3 out of 5

Everytime I die and go back to the lobby as after ad after ad after ad, good game though

Unknown 1234 djfhfjfj
March 25, 2024
3 out of 5

the person who goes first automatically wins. and sometimes when loading into a battle it will put you in the middle of the song
making you miss half the points.

January 24, 2024
3 out of 5
Please make the online battles more fair


hsue ehshgehdi
December 9, 2023
3 out of 5
Grrrr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I was a legendary master and I turned into a crown mic. U are mean.

god of the zillas
December 3, 2023
3 out of 5

Good but laggy and crashes every single second please fix/update it please 😭😭😭😔

RIV/mr. Case
November 5, 2023
3 out of 5
could be so good

this game could’ve been so so good if there weren’t so many ads everytime you try to play a song. please lessen the amount of
ads you put on this game. with these amount of ads , it makes me not want to play your game at all.

November 6, 2023
3 out of 5
I like the things and all but

I was beating metal sonic and I was happy that I won but it never gave me it I checked my invintory and edit my team but I don’t
have it so is this a glitch or?

I did not reicieve it
November 5, 2023
3 out of 5

IM BEGGING YOU PLS FRICKING ADD TADC PLEASE -love, a person who simps for jax 😔

November 5, 2023
3 out of 5
It ok

It ok but why does the player get more time to make us low in the vs thing like I’m losing because of y’all!!!!!

Ace rage
November 3, 2023
3 out of 5

I had a game we’re it started with the opponents score us 3000 or something and also I was going up and down the score was like
my my characters face was going to the side and then my characters going to the left and the right over and over

November 3, 2023
3 out of 5

The game was fine at firs but then the server randomly put me against a platinum player while I was gold. So please fix the
matchmaking in the server.

October 30, 2023
3 out of 5
It’s great

It’s great but with a lot of adds

October 28, 2023

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