Pachoink!: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

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Dive into the world of Pachoink! with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!

See what people think about this app, created by A To Play. and released in February 2020. With an impressive 4.7-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Pachoink! offers an exciting experience in the puzzle game category.

To make an informed decision, read Pachoink! app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v1.30) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Pachoink! alternatives. Start reading now!

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Based on the latest 6 user reviews.

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Reviews: 6 Avg. Rating: 4.8/10 US

Positive reviews

Discover what users love about Pachoink! in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews

5 out of 5
Having a lot of fun

This game definitely gives that pachinko feeling. Loving it.

February 22, 2020
5 out of 5
Simple and Fun!

Love the simplicity of the game! Great time killer!

March 21, 2020
5 out of 5
Another game mode ?

V nice game. I 100% it already. Can we have a non time mode. I want to use the least balls to complete the game.

October 4, 2020
5 out of 5
Hey! More levels, please.

This game is so much fun, even if there are some frustrating moments. I love the physics and the design. So, what say you about
new levels, hmm?

October 7, 2020
4 out of 5
Love this game but

I really wish there were iCloud sync or some other way to back up game data.

★ ☆ Gabby☆ ★
March 31, 2021
5 out of 5
School Home Rock

123456789 10 11 12

I finished and diving back in. Your mechanics on precision iz nice.

August 20, 2021

Critic reviews

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Recent App Reviews

We are Warriors! - This is really hard. I feel like it’s almost impossible and AI has everything when we just started the level. Why is this sooooo hard?plz just make
it easier I’m always losing.. I only won 4 times. But this game is very entertaining and fun but I barely win and get money when
I win..

Kryss - The Battle of Words - Ads and begging for my money. They try to make you pay for EVERYTHING!!! To the point the game isn’t sometimes playable or enjoyable. Other than that it’s
really fun..

dropcult - Please add controller support. This game would be so much more fun if I could connect a controller to it.