Raft Survival Multiplayer: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

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Dive into the world of Raft Survival Multiplayer with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!

See what people think about this app, created by VITALII DRIBNOKHOD and released in March 2019. With an 3.5-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Raft Survival Multiplayer offers an exciting experience in the simulation game category.

To make an informed decision, read Raft Survival Multiplayer app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v73.00) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Raft Survival Multiplayer alternatives. Start reading now!

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Based on the latest 19 user reviews.

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Reviews: 19 Avg. Rating: 3.8/10 US

Positive reviews

Discover what users love about Raft Survival Multiplayer in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews

4 out of 5
Most favorite game

I love this game I just wish there were less ads

April 5, 2023
4 out of 5
It good but

It is nice but more updates like new bulid supplys and fix glitches plus put day and night and put more island and tell back story
about sculls and put animals .Thank you I been for years

March 5, 2023
4 out of 5

The game is good just that i wish there was night time and i dont know how to get flour and stuff. I just hate when you get ads
randomly im in the water then i get a add then the shark kills me.

v! 4379
December 23, 2022
4 out of 5
Fun game but…

It’s really fun but i play on iPhone and when I try to get something from the far right of the screen I can’t and when I’m
crafting it happens too. But the game is really fun

August 28, 2022
5 out of 5
How do you edit?

Idk how to edit my home and delete things

July 11, 2022
4 out of 5
Great game

It’s a good game but people rp s3x

that cartoon is bad
May 16, 2022
4 out of 5

How do I gain health besides watching the ads?

April 5, 2022
5 out of 5
I love this game

Me and my friend love this game and we play together for a long time

January 12, 2022
5 out of 5
Very good and

Very good game and is very addictive

December 30, 2021
5 out of 5
This game was great

me and my friend played this all the time and it was very funny before we got the actual game love the dancing cosmetic Amen🙏

November 17, 2021
4 out of 5

It’s hard to put a second floor pls update other than that it’s super super fun I play for hours

October 9, 2021

Critic reviews

See what experts and critics are saying about Raft Survival Multiplayer. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews

3 out of 5
Dis stuff dodo

Mane I only play his when I’m bored it’s bad bc u it mess up when u play for a long time u rlly need to fix that but it’s
good only a little bit but this game is trash it can be improved in some ways but aight like It’s some wrong with it but it now
at the same time might of fact it is bad

June 20, 2023
3 out of 5
What I think about the game

Well NOW YOU NEED A BIGGER BUILD LIMIT AND COUCHES PLEASE ADD THAT And get rid of the glitchy build limit and also get rid of the
Also add a day/night cycle PLEASE!!!!!

June 3, 2023
3 out of 5
It ok..

Nice game but we need iPhone mods for it and we need night and more furniture like doors we can open and close and like more
clothes and islands and animals too.Thanks hoped you understand

bah stop
November 24, 2022
3 out of 5
Ads and glitches

I like this game but so many ads happen when you fall in water and then it’s just a cycle of being eaten by the shark and when
you get up onto the raft most of the time you will get stuck. Should add chests and slots to play in a different world to create

May 23, 2022
3 out of 5
This game can be better

As a person who likes to play games a lot this is actually pretty decent for a mobile game. Although the ads and the bugs are a
little bit hectic which can be fixed I feel like. Overall I am enjoying this game.

spice 🏴‍☠️
May 3, 2022
3 out of 5
Read all of this for your own good

This game was so fun when me and my cousin played but then that night I found out it asks for your zip code and that’s bad so me
and him deleted it

November 22, 2021
3 out of 5

It’s a good game but when I make rope and then go to use the rope, it’s says I’ve mAde none. I’ve tried it with all’orso
20 leaves and it doesn’t work. It’s a glitch. Please get it fixed.

Ashley anne Goodman
October 2, 2021
3 out of 5
How get your account back

I used to play this game a long time ago but I logged back in today and I never got my data back I spent hours on this game and
had such a big boat.

October 14, 2021

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after every single level really kills it..