Factory Inc.: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

Dive into the world of Factory Inc. with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!
See what people think about this app, created by yixin gao and released in December 2018. With an impressive 4.7-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Factory Inc. offers an exciting experience in the strategy game category.
To make an informed decision, read Factory Inc. app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v2.30) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Factory Inc. alternatives. Start reading now!
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Positive reviews
Discover what users love about Factory Inc. in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews
DhdvbeIt is very fun and rewarding... but it has some issues for starters the ratio at which the money / cost increases is off. Well
that's really it.
Fun Game!It’s a pretty fun game overall the gameplay is good, but just to like progress super fast you’d need to watch ads, however
once you watch like 5-7 ads the money just rolls in, so yeah it’s a good game.
AmazingI saw Dangerously Funny play this game and was instantly hooked. It took me a while to find it but I’m so glad I did.
The game is amazing but…The game is going great but it keeps me up till like 10:30 pm and it’s pretty relaxing
Love the game but why tease with adsSo like I know like you can get stuff for ads and stuff but right after the ad you get another right away for no apparent reason
after you get the reward love the game
FunI like it but I don’t like ads
FunI saw dangerously funny play this and I tried it out and it is a fun game just wish the ad blocker wasn’t so expensive.
Good gameIt’s super high graphics and loads really well.
Da bestI love this game so much I play basically every day so if you want to play play now
great but…Ok so this is a great game but can you please have a refund button so if I accidentally spend 1,000,000 to upgrade a utilities I
already have a good upgrade I can just refund it all cause I had that happen to my some times.
Great!I love this game! There is so much to do! And but and upgrade!
FunSuper fun and relaxing after a long day
Garage and MachinesWould be nice if you would no longer get parts for machines that are already maxed out.
Also was never able to unlock the garage.
The ads are fineA lot of people are complaining about the ads. Well, just close the game than reopen the game. Done.
Very funI Wish reward ads were more optional and less constant but other than that I could play for hours on end 👍
Best game to kill timeI’ve been playing this game for a few weeks now and it has been so much fun
Fun game for in the car or on the busThere are so many items in the game and so much factories. so many machines. and so many things to make. And it’s a fun game so
get for yourself and enjoy.
Super cool gamePlz make it easier to get more machines
Really good exceptThe reason I did 4 stars instead of 5 was because the only thing that you could do was make money and buy machines but I did like
the game.
GarageHas anyone been able to unlock the garage?
Really goodI love how you can get so rich at the start
The achievements collection system is badThe only thing I hate about Factory Inc. is that you need to watch ads to get the achievement rewards.
Great game but…So the game is fun to play when your bored but… I wouldn’t play it all, the time. I recommend playing survivalists!
Pretty goodIt’s good and enjoyable that’s all I need to play it
Factory inc.The game has to many adds. Sofa king annoying. Adds you have to tap a pixel to get out of. But the game is really fun without the
adds stopping you every 2 minutes.
Very good game, 10/10this game is an excellent time waster for when your bored, on a long trip or if ur just feeling like playing games on ur phone.
there are also no ads (apart from optional ones)
I love this gameIt is so fun and interesting I can’t stop playing it
I used to play thisI love this game one day-3 years ago I deleted it big mistake best game ever
AwesomeThis game is very entertaining I would recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a new game to play please create more games like
👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿Very good game very good for trying to kill time I do really recommend it please send me back a ANCER NOW
Great gameI love this game I love smashing stuff and it’s in a video game and I LOVE IT
My first review (nervous)It’s pretty fun🫠😅and fun to click,click,click! I especially like the dinnerware on shop 2
One problemThe game itself is good but it has a lot of ads and some you have to watch.
Crunchy crunchyLet’s get crunching crunchy crunchy
AdsThe game is great and love playing it but there is just way to many ads that pop up every 3 minutes
Good gameIt was easy to play even thou kinda a a lot of grinding it is still fun.
Overall amazingIf you want an addicting idle, game play this!
Many items to use and ways to upgrade your factory!
I love the gameWhen it was at get I was looking at it then I bought it it was approved I played it for like 2 hours I love the game I want to
give it 10000000000 stars if I could but this game has so much things to do it’s the best game in the App Store.
GoodGreat game and not a lot of ads
It’s a good game butIt’s a great game one of the best games i would say but the ads are too long and you need to watch ads just to claim gems that
you got for making a new item
Too much adsI like this game but the thing I don’t like is the ads there are a lot of ads in this game
PLAY THE GAMEThe game is fire it is so fun and so addicting I play it every day you should to you will love it of you like simulator games!!
This game!I’m loving it but it’s the same thing over and over again. Just keep selling shop again and again but it’s still vary fun.
The greatest gameThis game is pretty good the machines are amazing and like the graphics It’s a good game I love it
Factory incThis game is so fun I haven’t played any other games since I really suggest playing this👍👍👍
It’s supper funI like how you dint have to be online and you get the amount of money you get if you where online for the 3 hours recommend try it
out bye 👋
I am really good and having fun because of this gaThis game is where you can upgrade your materials to more stuff if you upgrade your factory and upgrade your machines that you buy
from the shop and they are random and that is the end of my review
Fun little gameI watched on YouTube and when Ted to try it and it was great
I like itI played this game when I was 6 and now I am 10 sooo.. yeah the game is great!
Good gameI love this game it’s so fun it has a lot of ads but they pay off
Critic reviews
See what experts and critics are saying about Factory Inc.. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews
To many adsI like the game but to claim the advancements you have to watch an ad and there are to many ad that pop up
Pretty good but…There’s isn’t enough stuff to do and it’s really slow
Too many addsI like the game and all but having to watch an add for every achievement you wanna claim is just ridiculous. Other than that
pretty solid game.
A lot of ads!this game is very good, but one thing. A bunch of ads. a lot of ads
FineHas been asking me to write a review for ever. But when adds come on, you usually always get a prize above 24000 in game currency
ScalabilityThe game lacks good scalability and therefore is not a good long term game to invest your time into.
Love it really but…It fun you can upgrade stuff and get money but after a while it kinda gets boring so could you like maybe add a few more exciting
stuff please
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