B-hyve pro: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store
Dive into the world of B-hyve pro with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!
See what people think about this app, created by Hydro Rain Inc. and released in February 2017. With an impressive 4.7-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, B-hyve pro offers an exciting experience in the lifestyle app category.
To make an informed decision, read B-hyve pro app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v3.00) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with B-hyve pro alternatives. Start reading now!
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Based on the latest 13 user reviews.
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Positive reviews
B-hyve app working great nowLast year the app wasn’t working so good. It didn’t record all of the watering. I updated to the new app and everything
works like a charm. Thanks for a great product.
Far better than fooling with old controllerThe app is bulletproof. I easily switch between our yard and our neighbor’s, whose irrigation I manage. Very convenient and
about the only problems we see are very rare network interrupts, once or twice a year. Simple reboot inevitably fixes things.
AwesomeThis timer has worked perfect from day 1. I love that I can control it from my phone and it auto delays based on the weather. 100%
Great App!!I use the App every week for various adjustments due to weather or garden work.
Year two and very satisfiedI bought the watering meter and it’s great it actually remembers your setting while idle in the box over winter
Easy to useThe app works well to set and control our system. Haven’t needed to use the control box once with having the app. Very easy to
modify settings and test zones while out in the yard.
MagnificoFácil de programar útil y de gran ayuda para el jardin
AWESOME! Set it and forget itThe interface is attractive, simple, and easy to operate.
Easy to useI love having this app. Wish I had a instruction book.
Rain monitoringThe system doesn’t seem to recognize when we’ve had any a heavy rain. I noticed that the sprinklers still continue to water
of how much rain has just recently fallen. Otherwise, the system works great.
The best appI like it a lot make my life easy and my plants and garden are beautiful
Best thing to ever happen to my Lawn!I love this app SO much!
I don’t know how I ever lived without it!
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