Animal Kingdom: Coin Raid: User Reviews & Ratings in Australia App Store

Dive into the world of Animal Kingdom: Coin Raid with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!
See what people think about this app, created by Singleton Games and released in December 2019. With an impressive 4.9-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in Australia, Animal Kingdom: Coin Raid offers an exciting experience in the adventure game category.
To make an informed decision, read Animal Kingdom: Coin Raid app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v14.13) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Animal Kingdom: Coin Raid alternatives. Start reading now!
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Based on the latest 23 user reviews.
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Positive reviews
Enjoyable minus the ads and fixed rewardsI enjoy this game but the ads are excessive. The rewards you get seem rigged just to get you under what’s required and make you
watch more ads. Sammy rewards has the snake at the 3rd level almost every time. it’s a matter of time before players lose their
patience I guess
Best game everI ❤️this game it’s amazing
Catch me if you canBuilding a bridge was so much fun
Bug IssueLove the game but there’s issues with playing ‘The Amazing Trail’ won’t play!!
Still can’t play the amazing trail
Spend money on game and it doesn’t workJust spent money on game and expect it to work but freezes and it wastes your features that you have purchased. Thanks
GoodThis is the best game I’ve ever played in the world
Well experiencing a bugGame has been so fun and good to play up until the point now. I am experiencing freezing once the game loads up. I am unable to
click any buttons or icons and cannot move my avatar. I have deleted and reinstalled the app to no avail. Hard to enjoy the game
when I literally cannot do anything.
Very enjoyable to playI like this game as it is relaxing and fun 😊 It would be great if you could have more than 3 shields and or of their was a way
yo buy them as its completely random to when they pop up. Also of you could you games coins or gems to buy more lighting power
MoneyIt’s a really good game I’m just bony the biggest fan of the prices
😎🙌Very Easy n addicting, you dont get bored playing and doesnt give you rage quit
5 star for real!
Love this gameAbsolutely love this game and have got to island 60 something and now the app won’t open 😭😭 is there something I can do so
I don’t loose my progress
DifferentI like this game it’s easy and it’s different to all the other games and at the moment it’s not too difficult. It sure is
addictive. It’s funny if you make the platform to big or small the bear gives you the look. Makes me laugh each time I do it.
Which is not often.
WONDERFULThis game is so addictive and satisfying. You can easily earn coins and pass stages. Best of all,it’s free to play and you
don’t need to spend money in the game. Thanks for making and putting so much effort in this game,because it turned really well!
Thanks,and great work!
Animal kingdomCan we please start trading cards, I have so many duplicates to share, and also a few more different characters would be exciting
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