Transport Master!: User Reviews & Ratings in US App Store

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Dive into the world of Transport Master! with a journey through reviews of users' experiences and ratings!

See what people think about this app, created by RUBY OYUN VE YAZILIM DANISMANLIK and released in December 2020. With an impressive 4.6-star rating based on user reviews in the App Stores in the US, Transport Master! offers an exciting experience in the simulation game category.

To make an informed decision, read Transport Master! app reviews, gain insights from real users, and compare ratings. All reviews are based on the latest version (v2.00) and are regularly updated. Before buying, visit our download page to compare app features with Transport Master! alternatives. Start reading now!

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Based on the latest 14 user reviews.

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Reviews: 14 Avg. Rating: 4.3/10 US

Positive reviews

Discover what users love about Transport Master! in these positive reviews. Real experiences, real opinions. View all positive reviews

4 out of 5
Pretty Good

This was pretty good because the add is not like the game at all.

January 21, 2024
5 out of 5
Peyton review

This is a good game and I love it so much thank you for making it

November 20, 2023
5 out of 5

This game is okay i think that there should be like a

Game Revierer 2231
June 22, 2023
5 out of 5
Transport master

This is a great game since I liked it. I give it a five star review. Have a good day. Goodbye.

ios game crashing!!!
February 26, 2023
5 out of 5
When do I get to fly

Loving this, but when do I get to fly the plane & helicopter??

Wraps girl
January 12, 2023
5 out of 5

I love this game because this has a really few amounts of ads other games have ads within one level in this game the ad comes
after 6-7 levels I think you should try it

Savvanah Marble
November 28, 2021
5 out of 5
Really good!

I do like this game it does have a lot of ads but it’s free and the people who made need to be paid plus I have seen games with
ALOT more ads. I do think I like pick me up 3D better but still this game is up there on by top 10 favorites.

June 12, 2021
5 out of 5

This game is awesome you have so many this to but I wish you could pick what you do

June 22, 2021
5 out of 5
This game is a great game but.

This is a great game it’s so good… but I watched a ad to get a rare event after the ad I could not do the rare event and I got
kinda confused and mad otherwise this is a great game

July 10, 2021
4 out of 5

The ads are way too much and they are also after every game so it’s not like I like it that much

July 15, 2021

Critic reviews

See what experts and critics are saying about Transport Master!. Get insights from trusted sources. View all critic reviews

3 out of 5
Fun game but too many ads

Dear the devs, this game is really fun but the ads are just ruining the game and if I turn on airplane mode for no ads it says no
internet connection. So please make the game more fun by making less ads and let us use airplane mode.

thank you, devs

July 27, 2023
3 out of 5

I love the game itself just the train is a little weird idk if you intended the Train to stop which is unrealistic unless you made
it unrealistic on purpose.

Username is taken504
November 17, 2021
3 out of 5
No new license

I am on day 14 and last license I got was crane what is going on why am I not getting new licenses

July 6, 2021
3 out of 5
It’s a good game but....

This is a very well made game if you have the $3 to get rid of adds, which i did but i couldn’t unlock the plane and the
hospital for some reason and i maxed out everything.

jayla richie
July 8, 2021

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Recent App Reviews

Drop the Number - Consistent bug 🐛. Used to love this game; now it turns off my audiobook, so no more drop the number for me.

Windy, Windyty - GREAT. probably the best free weather radar on the app

Tricky Bridge - Bridge. The app is fantastic. Great for a beginner.