matchstick memories has an IPA/APK download size of 8 MB on its latest version. matchstick memories is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 10 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

matchstick memories

Developed by | Last updated: June 16, 2024

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Price: $2.99 > free
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  • App Category: Games
  • App Size: 8 MB
  • Version: Version 1.31
  • Released: September 2014
  • Downloads: 1,000+
A meta text adventure

Matchstick memories is a free-to-play word role playing game app, developed by CH Buckingham, available on iOS and Android since its release in September 2014. The updated version 1.31 is now available to download, compatible with iOS 8.0+ and Android 10+. Before downloading this app, let's quickly review what Matchstick memories has to offer.

About matchstick memories

- "If you enjoyed A Dark Room, this game is absolutely for you."

- "an existential journey"

- "a great example of what can be done with the match three and puzzle genres if developers think outside of the box"

- "surprisingly compelling and tactile gameplay"

- "a refreshing departure from the typical mobile puzzle game"


You are meant to be confused. The story begins as a sparse linear narrative, but as you become familiar with the world, and as the story progresses, puzzles become more complex and entire chapters eventually become meta-puzzles that must be completed in order to move forward, but even then, this story is as much about the journey as the struggle.


- The world dynamically adjusts the difficulty of puzzle types over time.

- The Failsafe System, which can be disabled via the pause menu, changes the puzzle type if the player appears to be unable to progress.

- 10 hours of crafted story and 12 procedural endless modes.

A hybrid of a classic streamlined 'Zork-like' text adventure and color based puzzle match games and minesweeper.

You navigate a world of memories, making decisions and solving puzzles as a confusing, complex, cryptic, and at times dark story unfolds in the text based world around you.

A unique iPhone, iPad (supports both portrait and landscape), or iPod color match / interactive fiction app. The first half of the story is free, the second half of the story requires a single In-App-Purchase to permanently unlock. This is the only IAP in the game.


twitter: @heavyhandedgame

What's new in version 1.31

-Changed string match logic to be less about guessing user intent, and more about precision.
-Changed some scoring logic for some of the more challenging game types.
-Made some game types less difficult.
-Hopefully fixed some threading cases that were causing instability.
-Made it much faster to navigate between some sections in the garage area.

Need help? Use our matchstick memories Walkthrough page or sign up and make your contribution today.

Download the matchstick memories App

matchstick memories has an IPA/APK download size of 8 MB on its latest version. matchstick memories is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 10 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

Ranking History in App Store (U.S)

  • Ranked #189 in Word games
  • The game has an average rating of 3.9 on app stores


  • First Released in Word for $2.99 Apr 4, 2020
  • Release v1.0 Sep 3, 2014
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  • iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
  • iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 12 Pro
  • Old devices: iPhone X/SE/8/7/6
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Mini
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matchstick memories Add-Ons

The app is free, but you can buy extra add-ons via in-app purchases.
