Flora - Green Focus has an IPA/APK download size of 329 MB on its latest version. Flora - Green Focus is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 394 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

Flora - Green Focus

Developed by | Last updated: May 28, 2024

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Price: Free
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  • App Category: Productivity
  • App Size: 329 MB
  • Version: Version 3.6.4
  • Released: September 2017
  • Downloads: 1,000+
To-do list, habit tracker

Flora - Green Focus is a productivity app, developed by AppFinca Inc, available on iOS and Android since its release in September 2017. The updated version 3.6.4 is now available to download, compatible with iOS 16.0+ and Android 10+. Before downloading this app, let's quickly review what Flora Green Focus has to offer.

About Flora - Green Focus

Flora is a new way to stay off your phone, clear to-do lists, and build positive, life-changing habits. Whenever you want to make progress towards your goals, plant a seed in Flora. As you work hard, the seed will grow into a healthy tree. Let the tree be your coach and grow yourself with it. You will be amazed by how great you can be.


Have trouble putting down the phone? Flora blocks distracting apps in a pleasant way to help you focus on what’s more important in real life. If you cannot resist the temptation of using your phone and leave the app while growing a tree, the tree will be killed! But if succeeding, you'll unlock new trees.


Things get even more interesting when you challenge your friends to plant trees together—you will see who kills a tree (ouch). However, if you successfully stay away from your phones together, each of you will win an additional tree from a random friend. You can also chat and share your progress to motivate each other and keep everyone on track.*

* Flora is the original app for multi-user tree planting and delivers the best features that help you and your friends be productive.


Flora is a to-do list, and more. Simply create a to-do item and set a reminder, then you will never forget a thing. Even better, you can tag your trees with a to-do item to easily track the progress towards each of your life goals. No matter if your goal is daily, weekly, or monthly, Flora will help you follow it through and achieve it.


Enjoy a rewarding daily habit routine. If you grow trees regularly, you will earn yourself a beautiful, vibrant garden. Take a look at it and feel proud of yourself! Each tree records your perseverance and a step towards a healthy life. You can also view the daily, weekly, or monthly statistics of your activities in Flora to find opportunities to improve your time-management and planning skills.


Why not plant REAL trees while improving yourself? Flora proudly offers the opt-in Price and Care services that let you plant real trees on the earth if you kill or successfully grow a tree in the app. We partner with tree-planting organizations in Africa and East Asia, such as the Trees.org and Eden Reforestation Projects, to plant fast-growing soil rebuilding trees, fruit trees that diversify incomes and nutrition, and trees that can provide forage and fuel-wood. All these trees help make the earth greener and provide long-term financial aid to families who need it most.

Sounds good? Download Flora and join our 2,000,000+ productive users now!

What's new in version 3.6.4

What’s new:
- You can report false detection from a story
- Deleting a story updates Garden and Stats

Download the Flora - Green Focus App

Flora - Green Focus has an IPA/APK download size of 329 MB on its latest version. Flora - Green Focus is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 394 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

Ranking History in App Store (U.S)

  • Ranked #192 in Productivity Apps
  • Average ranking over the past 30 days: #155
  • Top Ranked: #117 on 16-02-2021
  • The app has an average rating of 4.8 on app stores


  • First Released in Productivity for free Apr 30, 2024
  • Release v3.5.5 Nov 30, 2023
  • Release v3.5.4 Jun 29, 2023
  • Release v3.4.1 Jan 28, 2023
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  • iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
  • iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 12 Pro
  • Old devices: iPhone X/SE/8/7/6
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Mini
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Flora - Green Focus Add-Ons

The app is free, but you can buy extra add-ons via in-app purchases.

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