征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 has an IPA/APK download size of 230 MB on its latest version. 征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 276 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游

Developed by | Last updated: June 13, 2024

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Price: Free
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  • App Category: Games
  • App Size: 230 MB
  • Version: Version 1.0
  • Released: March 2019
  • Downloads: 1,000+

征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 is a free-to-play sports entertainment game app, developed by mingwei zang, available on iOS and Android since its release in March 2019. The updated version 1.0 is now available to download, compatible with iOS 8.0+ and Android 10+. Before downloading this app, let's quickly review what 征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 has to offer.

About 征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游

东汉末年,自张角黄巾起义以来。从张角反者四五十万。声势浩大,官军望风而靡。汉帝急诏“令各路英豪击讨贼立功。” 欲度关山,何惧狂澜。风生水起正好扬帆。一场黄巾之乱揭开了群雄割据的混乱局面,九州烽烟燃尽,战火四起,奇谋纷呈。有道是乱世出豪杰,时势造英雄。群雄之中有三位豪杰于纷纷乱世脱颖而出,曹操雄踞北方,刘备固守益州,孙权割据江东,各领魏蜀吴奠定了三分天下之势。一日天呈异相,霞光普照大地。将星现世,将有一方霸主崛起,仗马持剑,解黎民之倒悬,匡社稷于危难。云行在天,浪行在川。问天下,英雄莫问出处,一切尽在《征战三国》。

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Download the 征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 App

征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 has an IPA/APK download size of 230 MB on its latest version. 征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 276 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

Ranking History in App Store (U.S)

  • The game has an average rating of 4.7 on app stores


  • Initial release v1.0 Mar 25, 2019
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  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • Old devices: iPhone X/SE/8/7/6
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Mini
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The app is free, and offers no in-app purchases.

征战三国 经典烧脑策略战争手游 has 0 reviews across all iTunes Stores.