Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game
Developed by Danish Javed | Last updated: November 7, 2024
Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game is an adventure game app, developed by Danish Javed, available on iOS and Android since its release in October 2024. The updated version 1.3 is now available to download, compatible with iOS 14.0+ and Android 10+. Before downloading this app, let's quickly review what Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game has to offer.
About Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game
The new mobile game Haunted Horror: Find an Evil exposes players to a frightening, dark world of scary secrets and paranormal horrors. It has stunning graphics. You take on the role of a courageous detective in this game, aiming to reveal the dark secrets hidden beneath an abandoned, haunting house.
You'll come across eerie apparitions, hear unnerving noises, and solve challenging riddles that unveil the mansion's sinister past as you explore the dilapidated hallways and abandoned chambers. Every level offers fresh difficulties and terrifying experiences; in order to live, you must be astute and quick-witted.
The game's immersive experience is further enhanced by its gorgeous visuals and eerie music. The Haunted Horror Evil is an absolute must-play for fans of horror films and thrill-seekers alike because of its compelling plot, surprising horrors, and complex gaming mechanics.
What's new in version 1.3
Minor bug fixes
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Download the Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game App
Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game has an IPA/APK download size of 160 MB on its latest version. Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game costs $0.99 to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 192 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!
Ranking History in App Store (U.S)
- iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
- iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max
- iPhone 13 Pro Max
- iPhone 12 Pro
- Old devices: iPhone X/SE/8/7/6
- iPad Pro
- iPad Mini
Bad Evil Parenting Exist Game has 0 reviews across all iTunes Stores.