Wipe My Screen has an IPA/APK download size of 128 MB on its latest version. Wipe My Screen is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 154 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

Wipe My Screen

Developed by | Last updated: February 17, 2025

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Price: $0.99 > free
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  • App Category: Games
  • App Size: 128 MB
  • Version: Version 1.0.3
  • Released: August 2023
  • Downloads: 700+
Clean, Shine, and Fun‪!‬

Wipe My Screen is a free-to-play casual simulation game app, developed by Adam Tow, available on iOS and Android since its release in August 2023. The updated version 1.0.3 is now available to download, compatible with iOS 15.6+ and Android 10+. Before downloading this app, let's quickly review what Wipe My Screen has to offer.

About Wipe My Screen

Wipe My Screen – Your Cleaning Adventure Awaits!

Welcome to Wipe My Screen, a casual game that offers both a practical solution to screen cleaning and an engaging gaming experience.


# Exciting Game Mode

- Take on the challenge of cleaning virtual devices!

- Earn coins by wiping away the virtual dirt and grime.

- Uncover beautiful colors and images as you clean.

- Choose from different cleaning styles like fingerprints, paint splotches, water droplets, cracked glass, and more.

- Over 75 different device frames of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices to unlock.

- Delve into the rich history of Apple devices and enjoy the fun of collecting unique frames and styles.

- Complete achievements for bonus coins and aim to collect them all!

- No ads!

- Use In-App Purchase to get coins more quickly or to unlock all devices and styles immediately.

# Device Cleaning Mode

- Avoid accidental touches and swipes as you clean your physical screen.

- The dedicated cleaning mode helps you see spots clearly and makes the cleaning process smooth and trouble-free.

- Great for when you are about to stream your favorite show and want a pristine viewing experience.

# Customization and Control

- Randomize settings for a new challenge every time or keep the ones you like.

- Use coins to purchase new device frames and cleaning challenge styles.

- Create reminders for you to clean your screen every day, week, or month.

# Integrate with Shortcuts (iOS 16 and up)

- Overlay device frames onto your images and screenshots with ease using Apple Shortcuts integration.

- Create custom games from your collection of unlocked device frames and cleaning styles.

- Start and stop a cleaning session.

# Try for Free with the App Clip

- Want a taste of Wipe My Screen? Try the App Clip for free!

- A quick and shareable way to enjoy the basic functionality of the app with friends.

Whether you are looking to clean your device's screen without any interruptions or immerse yourself in an innovative and delightful cleaning game, Wipe My Screen offers something for everyone. Embrace the joy of cleaning, collect coins, and unlock exciting features.

Get Wipe My Screen today and embark on a cleaning journey like no other!

What's new in version 1.0.3

- Added device frames for iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max.
- Support for dark and tinted app icons.
- Sped up the game completion screen so you can get back to the game faster.

Need help? Use our Wipe My Screen Walkthrough page or sign up and make your contribution today.

Download the Wipe My Screen App

Wipe My Screen has an IPA/APK download size of 128 MB on its latest version. Wipe My Screen is FREE to download. Ready to install? Ensure you have at least 154 MB of storage space available, then tap the button or scan the QR code below to start the download process!

Ranking History in App Store (U.S)

  • Ranked #83 in Casual Games
  • The game has an average rating of 5.0 on app stores


  • First Released in Casual for $0.99 Oct 23, 2024
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  • iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
  • iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 12 Pro
  • Old devices: iPhone X/SE/8/7/6
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Mini
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Wipe My Screen Add-Ons

The app is free, but you can buy extra add-ons via in-app purchases.

1,000,000 Coins
1,500 Coins
10,000 Coins
250,000 Coins
4,000 Coins
50,000 Coins
All Access Key

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